7th Ed. Crazy steg question

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by strewart, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    So we have all said it is a monster, or a monstrous mount if ridden by a character, thus only with a character can it join a unit. However, under the rules for skink crew on page 55 it says:

    Ok, this line is after they mention a character displacing a crew. But the entire section 'skink crew' is NOT just about when a character is there, it is about the crew in general which are there no matter what. To me, this line suggests that even a stegadon without a character can join a unit since it is a monstrous mount to the normal skink crew, yes? I mean, chariots are not classed as 'mounts' to the normal crew, and that is never even hinted at, but this guy definitely says it in a section not specifically designed for characters.

    Is there at least a maybe there?
  2. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Since the rule specifically states that the Stegadon is counted as a 'mount with multiple riders' then I would say it's one of those specific exceptions that the LM book writers put in there on purpose. To me it sounds reasonable under that line to say that a Stegadon can join a unit of skinks.

    An interesting find there Strewart!
  3. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    well no, not really. teh crew is there like a chariots crew. the character is the one that joins units. while the stegadon is indeed a monstrous mount, just like a units of [warhammer unit] it can not join another unit unless it has as special rule that allows it to do so [goblin fanatics, DE assassins, etc]. a character can join units per BRB and if he has a mount he can do so with the mount aswell.
    i would compare it to a chariot ridden by a characer but thats the chariot rules that deny joining units even if ridden by characters. what i trying to say is: while teh skinks are riders of a monstrous mount they are not characters, i.e. the only "unit" allowed to join other units (barring abovementioned exceptions)
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Ah yes you are right again, Bibamus. I thought there might have been some problem with it somewhere since I had never seen it suggested. Monstrous mounts as such cannot join units, characters can join units and can do so even with a monstrous mount.

    Oh well, was worth a try.

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