Ok so the obsidian lodestone give magic res 3 to a unit so has anyone given this to their slann or a hero in the temp guard? Since miscasts have been faqd to he magical hits why not give your expensive saurus a 4up save against it?
Doesn't work. MR only works against wounds caused by spells, not any other magical effects. The FAQ also explicitly says this. MR is still a good idea for TG though. Especially if you run characters in there.
Absolutely! Death magic is horrible against characters but loading up on MR allows you to ignore the sniping spells and save your dispel dice for Soulblight and/or Purple Sun. Remember, MR stacks with normal ward saves so if you have a 5+ Ward on a Saurus character you'll get 2+ if there is a Lodestone in the unit.
Ooooh 5+ ward save armor for oldblood and ud have a 2up with magic on characters and ud have a 4plus with the rest in case purple sun did get off..... thats awesome