Gf showing interesting in warhammer and helping her decide on an army is backfiring... looking at new armies mainly dark elf and dwarves sortof leanign towards dwarves because I could get the skull pass dwarves. problem is I don't know what I'd do with them I dont plan to take it far to loyal to lizzies and I need temple guard and a carno eventually so thinking max of 1k if I do go dark elves I was thinking the cool looking corsairs and hydra are definite but not sure if hydra in 1k is abit much dwarves not a clue although the rangers and miners sound sortof cool. these armies would be more fun themed So any ideas?
How did the plan back fire? Don't know too much about dark elves, but dwarves I know. Rangers and Miners have very limited uses currently and you can only have one unit of Rangers. Dwarves are pretty creap though you get a good 500 pt army out of skull pass. Two of them and your done complete with a working goblin army. Rule book and a bunch or terrain pieces.
my plan backfired because I have an eldar army, and a lizzie army techncially I do have a space orks army if you consider a shoebox full of orks and some custom vehicles I made while bored an army. But I only play 2 armies mostly to save money...and I'm loyal to the old ones lol(consider eldar close to the old ones in 40k lol)