Hello! This is my first battle report, and it is in 1999 pts between Dark Elves and Vampire Counts, but you already knew that . Whole report is on my blog, because it got a lot of pics. you can go and check it out if you like what you see here. Cheers! http://dreamspiritwargaming.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd239/stomuvraga/DEPLOYMENTR.jpg Please leave a comment
Hello there, here is another battle between Dark elves and Vampires, this time in 2250 pts. This is the deployment, so if you are interested, fell free to check it out! http://dreamspiritwargaming.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html
I read the two reports against vamps and the one against WE, I enjoyed it and looking at the results you did pretty well.
Fun battles, to be sure, especially the second one. Pity about the rolling, but that's how dice work...or don't work! Just a silly question: How did a group of Dark Elves and Vampire Counts meet up in Ulthaun? Don't the High Elves discourage that sort of behaviour? Thanks for the reports, happy gaming! Yours in scales,
Thank you for your kind words, soon I will publish some more. I have material for three more battles, and soon I hope, our guild will have first Lizardmen player!