TOW Defenders of Skeggi, a themed Wolves Of The Sea WOC list

Discussion in 'Other Armies Discussion' started by Krox_v.2, Sep 30, 2024 at 8:45 PM.

  1. Krox_v.2

    Krox_v.2 Well-Known Member

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    2000 pts total, Wolves of the Sea, based around the idea that it's an army defending Skeggi. This is my first go at writing a list for TOW, and I have to say, I hated having to flip between 3 pdfs to write it.


    Ragnar of Skeggi, Bane of the Lizardmen
    Chaos Lord with shield, Sword of Might, Daemonic Mount, Mark of Chaos Undivided

    Snagri Skinkflayer
    Aspiring Champion, BsB, Biting Blade, Sea Raider's Crest, Mark of Chaos Undivided

    Frygga, Vitki of Skeggi
    Exalted Sorcerer, lvl 2, Daemonology, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Mark of Chaos Undivided

    Valgyr Bjornling, Captain of the Krakensbane
    Marauder Tribe Chief, shield, Taskmaster's Scourge, Paymaster's Coin, Mark of Chaos Undivided

    Borri Aesling, Jarl of the Velsvakt
    Marauder Tribe Chief, shield, Chieftain's Blade, Luckstone, Favour of the Gods

    Core Units:

    Krakensbane's Crew

    20 Marauders w/great weapons and full command

    Velsvakt Warriors
    20 Marauders, light armor, shields, full command

    Wild Curs and Mongrels
    2 units of 5 Chaos hounds with vanguard
    1 unit of 6 Chaos hounds with vanguard

    Mongrels of the Streets
    5 Chaos hounds

    Velsvakt Berserkers
    2 units of 10 Marauder Berserkers with flails and ambushers

    Special Units:

    Huscarls of Skeggi

    5 Huscarls with cav spears, heavy armor, shields and full command

    Ragnar's Jarlsguard
    15 Chaos Warriors, with shields, full command, Champion has Potion of Speed

    Rare Units

    The Ancient Ones, The First Enemies

    3 Dragon Ogres with Shartak and great weapons


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