Recently I spent quite a bit of money on some warhammer models. I bought the battallion box, a Slann, a salamander blister, a box of temple guard, a box fo saurus warriors, two boxes of skinks and 2 scar-vets/old bloods. Anyway, for a color scheme I was thinking of going tan/light brown for the undersides, and dark brown for the thick scales and scaley-plates on their heads and backs, and than green for the shields. I was wondering if anyone ont he boards had any ideas or if anyone has done a similairly colored army, or of there were pics laying around somewhere someone could maybe dig up for me. A gallery section on this site would be pretty cool too.
There have been a couple of desert themed armies here. You can find both links that I found here: and
I don't really think of him as a desert theme, But the color scheme is the same as my kroxigor. Only instead of a green sheild it is a green axe.
I have a desert theme. For the skin I used snakebite leather and for the scales I used calthan brown. I painted the shield with beleached bone and then washed it with graveyard earth. As for the base I used decorative sand from our shop. I hope you got any ideas. Here's a link to the old interactive Saurus painting guide, as well as some other inspiration for painting schemes.