8th Ed. Different Sized Bases

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Shogun, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. Shogun

    Shogun New Member

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    I was resently day dreaming and thinking of Monsterous Infantry Death-stars when a question poped up. If more than one 20 or 25 mm model joins a unit of 40 mm how do they attach? By the BRB odd-man-out bases get put "...on the edge of the unit, beside the front rank...." (p.98) The BRB, however, says nothing about if a second (or third, ect..) character joining the unit would fit and how he would be positioned. Would the extra character be placed beside the first, behind the first or on the opposite edge?

    I'm asking because I would like to include a BSB with magic banner to a horde of Krox but I don't want to expose him directly in combat. I'm thinking that if the 2nd character (BSB) was placed behind the 1st (defensive vet) that would allow a few more rounds of surviveabillity for the BSB. Exapmle: (sorry i don't have mad grafics skillz to create a better pic.)


    1 = defensive vet, 2 = BSB, XXs and OOs = the footprint of the krox.

    As long as can avoid
    being flanked the BSB should be pretty safe.

    The reason I'm thinking/hoping it works this way is from three sections in the BRB
    1) When Footprints Collide (p. 98) The first ref. I sited showing characters go to a side.
    2) When Footprints Collide also states ""w...we do not assume the character's footprint to be filled by rank-and-file troops, and the character is ignored when working out the number of ranks in the unit.."
    3) Position in the unit (p.97) "When characters join a unit, they are placed in the front rank." Displacing rank and file except for command. "If there is no more room in the front rank, some characters will have to go in the second rank."

    So if a character joins a mismatched unit its placed on the side and becomes an apendage of the larger mass. When the second character joins he can't displace other MIs inthe unit so he must go to one side. As they are not counted as part of the normal frontage of the unit would it be acceptable for the second character to be placed behind the first?

    I'm just currious if this is a possible interpritation of the rules. Yes I know the characters could be canon sniped or otherwise picked out so obviously I would avoid this tactic vs. gunlines.

    Any feed back would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  2. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    I think it's arguable but a little cheesy - the better rule would be to place the 2nd 25mm base on the opposite side of the unit. The overriding consideration is to maximize models in combat. And I have to ask why you wouldn't want your Scar Vet BSB in combat in most cases, as with armor of fortune and an extra hand weapon he is worth his weight in CR. I just treat him like a normal scar vet - the re-roll is nice as long as he lives (which is usually the entire game), but with cold blooded I don't worry much about breaking - I worry about killing!
  3. Shogun

    Shogun New Member

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    Thank you for the reply. I understand the lable of cheese on this maneuver, so no debate from me on that. And perhaps this example is not the best so I'll try another. In our army book is a very nice banner, the Skaven Hide Banner. Too bad you have to take a Skunk Chief BSB to use it. I would love to take this banner and slap it in a horde of Saurus or perhapse a Temple Guard unit. However that BSB is all but a dead man as soon as that unitmakes contact. Now if I could place a buffer chief (or two) in front of him to give the unit a round or two of frenzy that would be awsome!

    Maybe its just better to put a unit slightly in front of said BSB to just keep a charging unit from making contact.
  4. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    If the Chief BSB is on the corner of a horde of saurus you should be able to keep him safe as long as you get the charge of, you can maximize without including the chief.
  5. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Ditto what Eladimir said - the skaven will almost certainly rank up 5 across to maximize ranks, so a unit of saurus 6 wide (how I run them) will mean that a 20mm skink bsb is not in combat. The Skaven may however do a combat reform in later turns, so try to flank them if you can to protect that end of your saurus unit - a good use for a lizard swarm or some skinks.
  6. Shogun

    Shogun New Member

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    Thank you T`hinker`er and Eladimir,

    Your rationed and reasoned debate have lead me away from the dark side - rules lawering :smug:

    :sigh: I guess i will have to rely on tactics and math and stuff....
  7. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    You also would have to fill the entire front rank with characters or command group otherwise the BSB would be forced into the front rank by the character placement rules.

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