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Dipping my toes in the water...

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by freakish87, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. freakish87
    Jungle Swarm

    freakish87 New Member

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    Hello Lustria-Online,

    I thought I would pop by because after some confab at my LGS I heard this is the place to go for all things Lizardmen.
    The jist is that I have been playing 40k for about 2 years and I want to start collecting a WFB army up nice and slow. I've had a couple of touches with WHB (I picked up a daemons army book and played a newbies game with an ogre kingdoms batallion but it didn't feel right at all).

    I like the look of lizardmen and I reckon I would enjoy painting them (lots of nice bright colours and aztecs were my favorite in ahe of empires 2 :D ) but not sure how they would feel to play. From an unbiased point of view (by that I mean omg lizardmen are the best because of a and b and x and y) how do they feel in close combat? Are they swift and decisivve like a scalpel, if so why? Are they like a slow and monstrous blunt instrument, again if so why is that? Is it balanced, does it lean one way? And are they a good army for lovers of magic (I do like my 40k psykers). Do they have problems facing up to many other types of armies/builds?

    Should I be looking at other types of armies for a more balanced type of army or are lizardmen quite flexible in their approach?

    Thank you guys,
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Personaly I picked Lizardmen Because I loved thier background,
    and they where amoung the most balanced and versitile armies in Warhammer,
    our strenghts are our excelent cold blooded leadership, and versitile troops,
    and we are able to field just about any style of army.
    (magic heavy, combt heavy, fast attack, shooty, all comers)

    our weakness are while out troops are excelent they also cost a lot of points.
    also most of our shooting is very short range, and out initive is very low.

    take a look at at some of the stickied tactics and battle reports to get a feel for how the
    army works as a whole. ;)
  3. freakish87
    Jungle Swarm

    freakish87 New Member

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    Thanks a bunch for the brief on the lizards.
    I had inital fears that the armies would end up either too strong and small or too hordey and weedy.

    I like powerful expensive models but get sad when they're shot down before they make it, but I also hate spending 20 minutes moving a massive horde army plus id be painting for years.

    I kind of wanted something inbetween the 2, reasonably sized force not too big not too small, good with both spell and sword, one or 2 big creepy units to give my opponents a bit of dread, but with a staple mainstream. They sound good, I think I am going to have to buy the army book now and have a good couple of days mulling over it.
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    If you want a long thourough description, there is a great one in the Under Empipre (Skaven Site).
    http://underempire.net/index.php?showtopic=12264&st=0&#entry2196158 :smug:

    Here's a small sample...
  5. Guardian of Hexoatl
    Temple Guard

    Guardian of Hexoatl New Member

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    Welcome to Lizardmen :D

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