8th Ed. Double-Flee

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Lawot, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    This is my understanding of how the rules of charging and fleeing should be applied...but I want to check it with all of you before using this on my friends:

    I park 2 units of Skinks in front of an enemy unit - let's say Witch Elves. Skinks 1 is a little closer than Skinks 2. The Elves declare a charge on Skinks 1 (they can't charge Skinks 2, because they'd have to go through S1 to do it). S1 flees, and rolls high enough to go beyond S2. The Elves now cannot complete their charge against S1, even if they rolled high enough to do so, because they would come into contact with S2 before they reached S1 - which they cannot do, because you can never use a charge to come into contact with an enemy unit you did not declare a charge against. So they redirect, and declare a charge again S2. S2 also flees, fleeing beyond S1. The Witch Elves now cannot complete their charge against S2, for the same reason stated above: S1 is now in the way. Even though S1 was their initial target, now their charge is declared against S2, so they are not allowed to come into contact with S1. The result? Even though S1 and S2 might be mere inches away from them, the Witch Elves fail their charge. They roll 2D6, take the highest of the two dice and move forward that many inches, stopping 1" away from S1 if necessary.

    Is this correct? If I'm misinterpreting, or if there is anything I missed, please point it out!
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    SOUNDS RIGHT. :pompus:
  3. Sunchax

    Sunchax Member

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    Must they not declare redirect or pursue before you roll the dice to flee? Which means they can not redirect to skink 2?
  4. T_Saurus
    Cold One

    T_Saurus Member

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    They don't redirect until you flee. So you declare flee and do it right away. Then they can redirect.
  5. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    That's correct.

    You roll the flee-dice immediately, and when the flee-move is finished he decides if he wants to pursue the original unit or redirect.
  6. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    Remember that your skinks will flee "center to center" so you have to position your skinks so that they will actually flee past each other (rather than having the first unit flee south-westerly and the second unit fleeing south-easterly).

    Also, when you flee through your S2 unit, that unit will have to pass a panic test.

    And a tricky thing that can ruin a double-flee is if your opponent has some other unit that can charge your fleeing skinks and force them to flee back within reach of the Witch Elves.

    Remember, you resolve your charge reactions as soon as your opponent declares a charge, but the charge is not resolved until all charges have been declared ... so something silly like this can happen:

    - Witch Elves charge skinks S1
    - Skinks S1 flee through Skink S2
    - Witch Elves redirect to Skinks S2
    - Skinks S2 flee through Skinks S1
    - Harpies charge Skinks S2
    - Skinks S2 auto flee in opposite direction (away from harpies, but towards Witch Elves), back through Skinks S1
    - Witch Elves are no longer blocked from completing their charge against their current charge target, Skinks S2

    In this situation, your opponent probably wouldn't redirect to S2, and would instead just move teh fleeing S1 with the harpies through your S1 unit (causing it to take a Ld5 panic test) as well as getting S1 back into unobstructed charge range of the Witch Elves.

    If you watch out for situations like that, the double flee is a pretty good tactic (as long as you pass that Ld5 test...)

    If you are questioned about how the whole double flee move is legal, the rule is on BRB Pg22, the last paragraph of the page.

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