So I got my first Carnosaur model assembled, and am looking forward to getting my second shortly. I had a thought this last weekend about making a Oldblood who flew via Arabian Carpet to get to Warmachines quickly, so as to preserve my precious Dinos. I am wondering how it would work to go Oldblood, Arabian Carpet, Tricksters Helm, Light Armor, Great Weapon. I think he should be able to dart across the board to tie up warmachines and allow my Dual Carnos to get down. Thoughts?
what keeps the warmachines from blasting him? My thoughts is Oldblood - Carpet - Armour of Destiny - GW - ..maybe a shield for 1+ AS against shootin I would keep him close to the front-runner skinks, as that would give him both a 4+ Look out sir and a 4++ with the armour.
I would think my opponents would concentrate on the Dinos. If they focus on him, I would hope my Carnos get into combat first. Not a lot of Skaven in my area, so Combat is safest for my Carnos.
ahh, good point I forgot what slot the carpet was in, since i have never used it. I supose you'll just have to try and cast a few ice shard blizards and hope for the best.
Just out of curiosity, what point value are you fielding? just seems like a lot of points for the three. I would be very interested in seeing how you build the army too. Any chance of posting it in the Army lists?
3000 points Old Blood Carnosaur Great Weapon Trickster's Helm Talisman of Preservation Ironcurse Icon Light Armor Oldblood Greatweapon Armor of Destiny Arabyan Carpet Scarvet Carnosaur Bloodroar Great Weapon Armor of Fortune Charmed Shield Scarvet Coldone BSB Stegadon Helm Great Weapon Light Armor Skink Priest Heavens Level 2 Dispel Scroll 40 Saurus Warriors / Spears Full Command 14 Skink Skirmisher Javelins 14 Skink Skirmisher Javelins 13 Skink Skirmisher Javelins Bastilladon Bastilladon Ancient Stegadon Sharpened Horns Engine of the Gods Ancient Stegadon Sharpened Horns Total to 2997. I know I am terribly low on casters, but I have 3 bound spell items, and 6 freaking Dinos.
looks like fun, although I am woried about you coming across an etherial unit, since all of your heros only have greatweapons.
That's what the lasers are for. I figure 2 bastilladons and the EoTG could provide enough magical attack support to take out any ethereals.
Having other ways to do magic is one thing, however, defending is something entirely different. If you don't go with a Slann and we're talkign 3000pts I'd definatetly get both the cube and scroll.