8th Ed. Dwarf Roster for review (2400 ETC)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Malleus, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. Malleus

    Malleus New Member

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    What do you guys make of this roster? How as a Lizardmen players would you combat this? ETC Restrictions

    Runelord - 268 pts
    Runic Armor, Rune of Preservation, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Stone
    Runic Talisman, Master Rune of Balance, Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of the Furnace

    Thane - 165 pts
    Battle Standard Bearer
    Runic Armor, Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Resistance
    Runic Talisman, Master Rune of Challenge

    Dragon Slayer - 50 pts

    30 Dwarf Warriors - 315 pts
    Great Weapon, Musician, Standard Bearer

    30 Dwarf Warriors - 315 pts
    Great Weapon, Musician, Standard Bearer

    28 Ironbreakers - 427 pts
    Musician, Standard Bearer
    Runic Standard, Rune of Battle, Rune of Determination

    Grudge Thrower - 150 pts
    Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating
    Engineer, Brace of Pistols

    Grudge Thrower - 175 pts
    Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating x2
    Engineer, Brace of Pistols

    Cannon - 130 pts
    Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning

    6 Miners - 71 pts

    6 Miners - 71 pts

    Organ Gun - 120 pts

    Gyrocopter - 140 pts
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    List seems fairly solid. I have no idea what the ETC restrictions on dwarfs are. Are you planning to deploy your GW warriors in a horde formation, then perhaps a few more models than 30 is a good idea (if its allowed).

    The points from the braces of pistols and the Dragon Slayer probably ought to be redirected to more warriors (if its allowed).

    Here is the Dwarf equivalent to Lustria if that helps.

  3. JungleBeast
    Jungle Swarm

    JungleBeast New Member

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    Most important ETC restriction on Dwarfs are no more than 5 Warmachines. List is both valid and solid, although his 2x6 miners won't do him much good, usually these show up to take down enemy warmachines.

    Other than that, his ironbreakers aren't that much of a problem with some magic grinding, and entire Dwarf army very slow. Will stay behind and protect their warmachines, trying to hammer you down. Not nice for any carnosaurs or bastillons, that's for sure...
  4. Wizgamer
    Cold One

    Wizgamer New Member

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    What does ETC mean?

    Sorry for the noob question
  5. hilburn
    Cold One

    hilburn New Member

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    As an ex stuntie player I like this list


    1. As always, dwarves play pretty static, comet can hurt a lot
    2. Miners vs lizardmen, cant see them doing much except maybe forcing LM to keep wizards in units rather than floating behind the line, nothing your cannon wouldn't do anyway
    3. Gyrocopter + poison = scrapmetal
    4. Master Rune of Balance is one of my favourite things ever
    5. Why no quarrellers? (Not a serious q, I just have a massive soft spot for them)
    6. GW dwarves might benefit from being bigger units if in horde otherwise 30 is about right
  6. A Steaming Kroak

    A Steaming Kroak Member

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    I think this list is strong, but has a couple of things that I would change to make it stronger. I recently played my dwarves at a tournament, and the thing that constantly bit me in the ass was a lack of a Master Engineer for my grudge throwers. I had way too many misfires with these machines, usually on the first or second turn... and then they would usually be hunted and killed by turn three. I would recommend finding some points for a Master Engineer, or switch one of the grudge throwers to another cannon with forging so that you have two "reliable" warmachines.

    I also would echo what the others have said. 30 dwarves with GW is just not enough in my mind. Last I checked, ETC comp allowed units up to 40 strong and 450pts. I would recommend bumping both of the warrior units up to 40 with full command, which should be legal under ETC comp.

    Obviously, you will need to drop some points elsewhere in your list if you want to make these changes. I would look at dropping Rune of Challenge, some miners, Dragon slayer, or the Gyro to find points. With Dwarves, I really feel that the current "Furgil" style list (you can find it over at Bugmans Brewery) is the most competitive dwarf build. That style of list is basically 3 GW hordes, with the Rune Lord and BSB (similar to what you have), and 5 warmachines. I try to keep my lists close to this formula, but I do tend to bring a 28 man unit of IB's instead of a horde (same as you).

    Hope this helps.

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