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7th Ed. EotG... Again

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Serpentsire, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. Serpentsire

    Serpentsire New Member

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    Alright, I have come to terms with the fact that even though he is atop a ten foot dinosaur with others ahead of him, he can be challeneged. However, when my daemon opponent lines up six hounds broadside a stegadon and directs all attacks to the priest, things get a bit cheap. Is that legal; can he make all attacks from units in contact with the stegadon at the priest?
  2. Scarloc
    Chameleon Skink

    Scarloc New Member

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    If the hounds have a champ do a challange and get the priest out of that combat. but yeah everyone can hit the priest. Use a skink screen to ensure that steggy gets the charge. Also remember 2+ save in the engine and the max combat resolution he will get for kills is the 2 wounds on the priest.
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, it can be quite hard to protect him from things like that. I guess what you have going for you is the 2+ AS, which is a lot better than most wizards. Try to make sure you get the charge rather than them charging you because that will leave little to fight back. Even then though you need to be careful of challenges. It is quite a fragile unit, I wonder if its fragility will lead to its downfall.. Hell the hounds could even charge a normal steg, target the crew, kill the skinks then leave the steg testing on the monster reaction table.
  4. Serpentsire

    Serpentsire New Member

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    The skink screen never works as they end up decimating me in combat and just running through
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    It may sound a little crazy, but do not be too afraid to flee. If something is going to hit you and almost 100% of the time kill the priest, run away and rally next turn. He can still cast on the turn he rallies. Just be a bit careful, you want to be pretty sure you will get away or those hounds will destroy the whole lot.

    If you use skinks that are ranked on your flank, when the enemy charges you they have to line up to match the way you are facing, so you can point them away from the steg. Or if they aren't too close, flee with the skinks and leave him out of range of the steg so moving half distance. And try to make sure your flanks are at least a bit covered to stop hounds getting there, or if worst comes to worst blast them with magic before they get in range.
  6. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Unfortunately, Stegadons are immune to psychology. One of the disadvantages of immune to psych is you can never choose to flee as a charge reaction.

    I was a little disappointed to see Immune to Psych on them, since being terror causers they already don't have to worry about the worst of it. No panic checks is ok, but fleeing charges could be useful at times.
  7. ACe

    ACe New Member

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    First of all: Don't let this kinda shait happen! Try dropping those hounds from a distance, keep your flanks protected and if you got the balls, take aura of quetzl to your priest.

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