I've been running my skink priest as a lvl 3 wiz until i read the fine print under the engine rules stating that he is treated as one level higher for the purposes of dispeling and casting. WOOPS! the only so one less spell than i've been running. i guess just give him plaque of tepok. making him a level 3 in all respects....
Exact same thing happened to me The wording has been altered in 8th edition in the Errata and FAQ, found here: http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1310257a_FAQ_Lizardmen_2010_v11.pdf
no it hasn't. its the same wording as in 7th but istead of +1 power dice and +1 dispell dice you get +1 to the casting/dispell roll. it didn't get an extra spell in 7th either, just the other bonuses for another wizard level.