8th Ed. Escalation league advice

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pepticsalve, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. Pepticsalve

    Pepticsalve Member

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    Hello all - I've just started putting together a lizard army for an escalation league that my gaming club is running. There are 12 of us participating. Each month we are aiming to build and paint around 250 points worth of models. I'm looking for advice for which units and models I should go for.

    Initially, I have bought the lizardman batallion, as well as some extra Saurus warriors (x8) and skinks (x12), a skink priest and an old blood - all of which should keep me going for a few months in terms of points (its roughly 250 points a month to be fully painted). This month I'm just trying to paint up 3 core units - a Saurus block with spears, and a couple of skink skirmisher blocks (one with javellins and shields, the other I'm not sure if I should do the same or blowpipes).

    After that I'll have the two characters, some temple guard and the cold one riders left to paint before I run out of models - which should form a reasonable 1000-1200 points warband...

    But then where do I go from there? I suppose the obvious thing is more temple guard and a slann? I don't want to buy 'uncompetitive' units as the plan is by next May I'll have a full painted 2500 point (or there abouts) army which I can take to tournaments...

    I do already play WHFB and run a high elf army - so I know the basic tactics - however lizards are so different from high elves I find myself looking through their army book thinking all my usual elf tactics aren't really going to work... I don't really know how to judge the different lizard units - which are good, bad or indifferent.

    If you guys were in this league, knowing that the end-game would be to have a fully built and painted 2500 point lizard army what sort of units and models would you be looking for?
  2. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    You do have a good start with the battalion box and the characters. For the point levels above 1000-1500, I would take a look at the Army List forum here. There are friendly game and tournament lists that show different armies at many different point levels. Also check the Battle Reports. Those can give you and idea of how certain types of armies perform and may work for your style of play.

    Beyond the battalion box, I would look at some other Special and Rare choices. Terradons, Bastilodon, Salamanders, and Stegadons all really add to the versatility and tactics you can use for your army. And do not forget the mighty Slann for using magic in higher point games.
  3. Pepticsalve

    Pepticsalve Member

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    Thanks for the reply :) I'll probably end up getting another battalion box and a slann mage-priest when the time comes (after I've run out of things to paint). Hopefully that should form a pretty decent core of an army. Then I'll take your advise and get some 'fun' units. I really like the salamanders and razordons - both as models and units - the idea of them eating the handlers amuses me plus they look like good fun to deploy on a battlefield - sort of unpredictable - you don't get a lot of that with the high elves.... Also terradons look awesome - so next year I may well invest in a unit or two of those.
  4. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    First question, are you from LaGrande? If so, then I think I'm in that league as well! If not, then what a happy coincidence that we are both in similar leagues! I was going to go with my lizards, but the guy who wanted to borrow my Dwarf army decided to go with Orcs and Gobos, so I'm going with my stunties after all. :D My recommendation would be to go with some salamanders. Personally, that will be my next purchase (or creation, depending on my budget). In the 10 years I've had Lizardmen, I have never actually run them :oops: , but apparently they are pretty legitimate according to most people on here. I think they would work well, especially in the low point games that will be coming.
  5. Pepticsalve

    Pepticsalve Member

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    I'm not in that league - but it is quite a popular concept amongst gaming clubs. We are focused on painting quality and a slow build up rather than the way GW tend to run these escalation leagues - which is solely designed to make them money (unsurprisingly). 250 points a month is a really nice total to work with as you don't feel rushed at any point...

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