I've seen quite a few posters commenting on lists for an escalation league they are involved in. Never played in one let alone run one, but I was wondering if there are any "rules" to these things. While the levels of escalation are, I assume, entirely your choice, is there any guidance to lists in terms of keeping what you start with and building it up etc? I was thinking of asking my gaming group if they wanted to do one, which I'd organise. But to do so would be useful if I had some guidleines! Thanks for any info/advice.
I think the rules for the league are up to you. Things to decide before starting include but are not exclusive to: - Points level for each week/month - Rules that will be used (8th ed. , End times, etc.) - Painting requirements to use models in the games (at least 3 colors?) - Decide if the gamers must use the same models/units each week/month and build their army, or if they can play with different army lists each time (I prefer that they keep using the same models and build up by adding new units) - Decide if there is a background to the league like some kind of campaign. (finding a lost artifact?) - If you win a game, do you get an extra bonus when you play the next game (add a magic item, extra spell, get to go first or deploy first, etc.) - Others? With these basics decided you should be off to a great start for an escalation league.