8th Ed. ETC Lizardmen FAQ Collection

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Eladimir, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Text take from http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=116960
    I think they hit on most of the main concerns and brought up some new ones I hadn't thought of.
    Hopefully the FAQ is sooner rather than later.

    Q: Does the Predatory Fighter rule allow for an additional attack from models making Supporting Attacks beyond their single Attack (for non-monstrous models) or three Attacks for Kroxigor?

    The Predatory Fighter rule says "Whenever a model with this special rule rolls a 6 To Hit in close combat, it immediately makes another Attack." The BRB states that a model making a supporting attack can "only ever make a single Attack, regardless of the number of Attacks on his profile, or any bonus Attacks he might otherwise be entitled to because of special rules or other unusual effects." There is some dispute as to whether the PF rule is intended to override any conflicts with the Supporting Attacks rule (e.g., PF's extra attacks would have no effect for Saurus or Kroxigor in mixed units).

    Q: In a unit of Salamander Hunting Packs that contains more than one Salamander, do you resolve the number of hits against a unit by each Salamander individually or at the same time?

    The previous book specifically requires that each Salamander's hits be resolved entirely before proceeding to the next. It's not clear if the same order (and consequently removal of casualties before applying the next set of hits) still applies.

    Q: Does the Bastiladon's Thunderous Bludgeon +1 To Hit bonus apply to models that are engaged in the flank but which physically overlap into the creature's rear arc? Does the Bastiladon's Thunderous Bludgeon resolve at Strength 10 only against models in the rear arc or on any model in base contact?

    The rule says "This Attack is resolved at Strength 10 and receives a +1 To Hit bonus against models in the creature's rear arc." The rule is ambiguous as to whether "in the creature's rear arc" applies to Strength 10, +1 to hit, or both. The rule is also vague as to whether "rear arc" includes models that happen to overhang into the rear arc (despite constituting a flank for ordinary combat purposes) or must actually be engaged in the rear.

    Q: Can characters on Terradons or Ripperdactyls join other flying units? Can Tiktaq'To join other Terradon Riders units?

    The previous Lizardmen book had the "Character Mount" rule which allowed Skink Chief on Terradons to join other units. Tiktaq'To's Master of Skies rule and Mask of Heavens rule strongly imply that he can be part of a flying unit.

    Q: Does Drain Magic affect spells that apply to multiple units but do not target, such as Howling Warpgale?

    Drain Magic says "the effects of all other spells on the target unit immediately come to an end." Some of the older books have spells that do not specifically target units but to which effects do apply. It is unclear how such effects should be treated.

    Q: Can Arcane Unforging target a standard bearer who carries a magical standard? If Arcane Unforging destroys a magical standard (such as a magical Battle Standard), is the standard replaced with an ordinary standard?

    Arcane Unforging targets a single enemy model and states that the item is immediately destroyed and cannot be used for the rest of the game on a 2+. The BRB says that the standard bearer ordinarily cannot be removed as a casualty and that another rank and file is assumed to pick up the banner. Given the unusual interaction, it is not clear whether the banner can be targeted or replaced.

    Q: Are Lord Kroak's Deliverance of Itza and the Engine of the God's Burning Alignment able to target all enemy units, even if the units are engaged in combat or not within the front arc?

    The Deliverance of Itza spell says that it is a "direct damage spell that targets all enemy units within 12"." The Burning Alignment spell says it is a "direct damage spell that targets every enemy unit within 4D6"." However, BRB 31 says that unless otherwise stated, the spell targets only units in the front arc and cannot target units engaged in close combat. Therefore, the rules as written appear inconsistent with the previous version of the spell, the description of the spell, and fluff.

    Q: Does the Spawn-Kin rule mean that, unless otherwise stated, close combat attacks must attack Kroxigor, and not Skinks, if the enemy model is in base contact with a Kroxigor, or if an enemy model is in base contact with a Skink who is in turn in base contact with a Kroxigor?

    The Spawn-Kin rule is unclear as to whether "can only target Kroxigor within a mixed unit" is permissive or mandatory.
  2. Prof

    Prof Member

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    not sure what the confusion is here? As you say, BRB says 'unless otherwise stated', and both spells specifically do otherwise state 'all enemy units' and 'every enemy unit' , so clearly a specified effect from the spell description.
  3. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    Its the argument that the BRB describes what counts as valid targets for direct damage spells and that only means forward arc. So read with the BRB its every target in the front arc within 24".

    Or if you read the spell description thinking every valid target within 24".
  4. Necromancy Black

    Necromancy Black New Member

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    Yeah, problem is they made it a direct damage spell that actually targets things. Should have been like the Comet, which doesn't have a spell type and doesn't target units, so it gets to be cast anywhere and hit anything.

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