AoS Fangs of Sotek List-from last tournament

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by RageCage, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. RageCage

    RageCage Member

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    So I'll preface this with I am not a great player and don't play a ton but I went a played in an AOS tournament this last weekend with this list and got crushed. I understand its not the most competitive but I thought I'd do a bit better. I ran it mostly because it seemed fun to run 90 saurus warriors and I got to one drop. Just curious what you all would do differently. It might mean I just change lists for the next tournament and run something a bit more competitive. (I don't own and salamanders or Razordons so please don't suggest them. I know they are good.)

    Slann Starmaster
    -Relic: Incandescent Retices

    Saurus Oldblood on Carnasour
    -Relic: Sword of judgement

    Saurus Astrolith Bearer

    Saurus Sunblood
    -Relic: Blade of Realities(or whatever it's called the extra rend one)

    Skink Starpriest

    1X40 Saurus Warriors

    1X40 Saurus Warriors

    1x10 Saurus Warriors

    Fangs of Sotek
    Sunclaw Starhost

    Endless Spells:
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria Online!

    Fangs of Sotek is one of my favorite Seraphon armies. Your list itself doesn't look too bad. Could you give a bit more details about how your games went?
    RageCage likes this.
  3. RageCage

    RageCage Member

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    Yeah I can. First game was a grind against Slyvaneth. Mostly I chalk that one up to just not being able to fully kill Alarielle(or however her name goes) I got her down to 1-3 wounds twice. So that might be just some luck. The second game I got mortal wounded to death against the Nighthaut cav(hexwraiths) and pirit hosts and black coach. Black coach one shot the Carno and one flank of 40 held up ok but the other collapsed and soon there were 10 hexwraiths in my slann and other supports face. I summened some bastiladons took out the coach but just couldn't stay alive/ keep him off me. Last round I charge a 40 block into deepkin turn one to tie them up but it got slaughtered #sharkmeta(local joke). Then I was open and they ran up and killed me. I admit to some major tactical errors especially in game 3 as I had already lost a bunch and was semi playing for fun. Hope that helps. It could be user pilot error I fully admit.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Sounds like the one I'm currently running when I play Nighthaunt. I'm so bored by chainrasp hordes…

    Welcome aboard and don't worry, you have time to improve.

    Do you have by any chance some ripperdactyl?
    LizardWizard likes this.
  5. RageCage

    RageCage Member

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    Thanks! I do own 6 rippers(once I put the other 3 together.) I have a bit of most every other model we have including Dread Saurian(whom I love) except Razors and Salamanders haha.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  6. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Fangs of Sotek does require a deep game knowledge to play well. Particularly you need to develop your skill to visualize and accurately gage the size and shapes of your warrior hordes in future turns. Much of this will occur naturally over the course of playing many games. Also, learning what targets are withing your ability to kill and what to avoid will help your matches.

    Try to have your cogs set to movement for your first turn and then set to spells after you are entered into the combats you are looking for.
    RageCage likes this.
  7. RageCage

    RageCage Member

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    Thanks! That's a good tip for the cogs. I found throughout the games that the warriors handled some things and not others. Like I said one flank collapsed one time when I thought it would hold up. Some of it was underestimating damage of my opponents. As you said I'll get better at judging that. I most often summoned Bastiladons to shoot and re roll next to the astriloth bearer. I am curious if that plus skinks was the right summon. Obviously some situations change it but still.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  8. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Warrior blocks are Glasshammers. They feel like they should be more durable. In part due to the fact that they were at the start of AoS and now their fluff is misleading.

    View FoS as a counter strike army and you will have a bit more success. Use your 10 man unit of Saurus Warriors and your Carno to screen and roadblock. This will require being possitionally aggressive with your Oldblood Carno and 10 man unit. You don't want to engage with your screens first turn though. They will just be killed and not actually work as a screen if you do. Ideally you will place them in such a way that your opponent will have to fight them on their turn allowing you to then pick your fights with your 40 man units on your following turn.

    Alternatively you can LoSaT your Carno into the enemy flanks and force your opponent to divide their attention. This won't work vs hyper fast combat armies like DoK or IJ though.
    RageCage and Crowsfoot like this.

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