Okay reason I am asking so many questions I primarily play my friend in warhammer. out of the damn near uncountable number of games we have played I have won.....one singular game We primarilly play 40k my eldar vs his thousand sons. only game I won was because he didn't know what dire avengers did when he had his daemon prince get in range of them(his only experience with them was 2nd ed when no one took them as far as I know) and it basically died in one round of dire avenger bladestorm a after that i have never won a game since. only fantasy game we played was 500 match between the last edition vampires and last edition lizzies he played pure necro zombie army and had me totally overwelmed in a couple turns this sunday or monday I will be playing agaisnt a 2k point army and I would very much like to grind him into the ground so I have a couple final questions any advice for dealing with the black coach? this monster really has me scared, and short of throwing my terradon riders at it as fast as I can can't think of much else With the EOTG from what I have read on this site I was told to give it wardrums so it can't be marchblocked. Does this mean that if it is an EOTG I should be keeping it away from the enemy as much as possible, aka no charging anything? do you think slann in a temple guard is good I was either going that or make him ethereal and by himself mostly because it'd be funny watching him throw basic zombies and skellies at it I do plan to use lore of the beasts to stop his cav and black coach as much as possible don't think he is focusing on the strategy he used last time but considering everyone gets invocation of nehek now I can't rule that out I do plan to try and pop the necromancer off of the corpse cart using the blood statute any other advice for dealing with vampire counts? I would really really really really really really really really like to beat him. having a win record of like 1 in 40 against the same person starts to be a bit disheartening So.....Help me crush him!(say all this with only a passing knowledge of what's his army)
good luck in your battle on sunday/monday. Firstly wardrums on the stegie, as far as I'm concerned, are so that he can get into combat, and particularly in juicy flanks etc. quicker. Although you really have to be careful about getting him in combat with a character, as they will challenge and that means the skink priest is a goner. On other tactic with the EotG with wardrums is to march around the unit, staying just out of its LOS and spamming the Burning Alignment, which is highly effective against undead (d6 strength 5 no armour saves). which allows the priest to continue to cast spells throughout the little parade. Also remember fear and outnumber. if you have a solo slann and he gets into combat with lets say ten zombies, he has to kill at least one in combat, even if he is ethereal, our else he is running away, unless you make him cause fear as well.
Okay will probably be using that second strat, will use skinks to protect it from cav by intercepting and diverting charges do you think it would be better to have twenty temple guard protecting the slan and 10 spear saurus lead by a hide laden scar vet or 10 temple guard and 20 spear saurus can actually save 40 points that way
That would probably depend on whether you want to let that unit of TG+Slann get into combat. TG are CC monsters and twenty would give you +3 CR plus a banner, (you are going to take a banner for them aren't you?) which would give you a solid starting place needing only one or two kills to equal CR, which TG could easily get more than that. If you want to take them more as a bodygaurd to the slann then take them as ten, but give them something that causes fear so that if there is an accident and they are in CC they can whiffle without being forced to run away. Watch out for vamps, they are possibly the hardest CC lords,especially with some of the nastier gear. If you take a scar vet, give him a cold one. Stupidity can be bad, but against VC the fear he gives the saurus is worth it.
Actually gave him hide of the cold ones heavy armor fear and +1 toughness, and when a slann is in tg wouldn't they be stubborn and immune to psych so outnumbed by fear would not affect them? What little I know of his army is I know one big skellie squad with a necro and corpse cart, a black coach and a vamp lord with a squad of mounted wights probably escorted by direwolves other then that not sure what else. Whichever unit ends up bigger saurus or temple guard will more then likely assault his skeleton squad basically my plan so far is to try and lure all his units into one giant bedlam then unleash magical hell with either light or beasts and the eotg. Leaning towards beasts so I can lock down his blackcoach which honestly is the one thing that really scares me.
if you really want to try and get that black coach out early you could try the furious flying skink. skink chief with cloak of feathers and cast the Bears Anger on him. 6 strength 6 attacks from a flying skink, plus they are magical attacks so even if the coach becomes ethereal he can still hit it. That should be able to take out the coach. Or you could try the good old JSoD, the problem with both of these is that you need to get a spell of, the benefit of the FFS is that you can IF it and through more dice at it, the JSoD is a bound spell level 5, which is pretty easy to dispel. Not sure why I thought the TG needed fear, probably cause I've recently used them without the slann against TK, they were pretty damn effective I must say, minus the whiffling at the end.
after reorganizing my points I have a bunch more points and can't decide what to do with my scar veter he'll be in with the saurus but can't decide between just scar vet shield hide of the cold ones, or a cold one with a shield and maybe a burning blade of chotec and carnosaur pendant if I got hide o fthe cold ones I will have about 19 left and with the carn chotect combo I will have 64 not sure what would be good to shore up my units with, thought maybe a squad of skink cohorts just to use as cannon fodder also in my original army plan the slan was guarded by temple guard and he carried a battlestandard plaque of dominion I determined I could save points if I just gave teh plaque to the temple guards standard bearer. Is that good or would it be better for the slann to carry it?
It is better for the TG to carry it as the slann counts as a large target for casting spells only, as such enemy wizards would not be able to get LOS to him unless he was in the front rank of TG (which entirely negates the point of the TG). So the Plaque of dominion is best on the TG for this purpose. On the terms of the scar vet and the hide of the cold ones, I believe it is really a toss up. The hide of the cold ones gives the vet a better toughness for surviving the nasty encounters with the vamp characters, but if you give him a cold one you can trick him out better so he could perhaps fight on equal footing with the vamps. For me, I think it is more worth while to spend the 20 points on the cold one and give him, perhaps BBoC and the glyph necklace, this set up gives you 4 str 5 attacks at WS5 and 1 str 4 attack at WS 3 (cold one) while maintaining the 1+ AS with an extra 5+ ward save. His attacks are also flaming so no nasty regeneration will ruin your day. All in all I think the cold ones give more for their points cost over the Hide of the Cold Ones.
My usual Slann setup Focus of Mystery, Focused Rumination, Becalming Cogitation Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, BSB, Warbanner This leaves you with 55 points of Magic items spare This Slann has all spells in the chosen school, +1 PD per spell (and with this and Beast's generally low casting cost you should be able to throw 4 spells a turn with a good chance of successful casting) Becalming cuts out all 6's a chosen mage rolls (No Irresistable force and vamps can't feasibly spam 1 dice raises) Cuppd Hands since when your rolling that many dice, bad things'll happen ventually, plus transfering nasty miscasts to a Vamp Lord is fun, BSB and Warbanner adds 2 to your combat res, and allows you to re-roll your stubborn Cold blooded breaktest. On the topic of the Scar Vet, if your running Beasts then id keep him on foot, for the Bears Anger potential. with Hide of the Cold Ones thats T7 and 7 strength 7 Attacks! Even if it gets dispelled, its 1 more spell to soak up your enemies dice.
I don't think he'd have 1+ armor save starts at 5 plus gets +1 for the light armor and +1 for the shield but do to errata for the 7th edition rule book magic weapons plus shield do not grant the same bonus as a hand weapon and shield or hand weapon and magic shield so wielding a magic weapon and shield is a lot like wielding a spear and shield I'll probaly still go the cold one route, even though I'm minus an extra cold one lol(going to elmers glue my scar vet with base onto a left over cav base) the main saurus block will really have one mission, keep his main skellie for occupied and if posible destroy the necro and the corpse cart, murphy's law not with standing. actually thinking about it, what do you think of a scar vet on a cold one with a carnasaur pendant, venom of teh firefly frog and duel wielding hand weapons? hah and I probably know the answer to this but the venom wouldn't translate to the cold one would it?
No, the venom only applies to himself unfortunately, and you can't get +1 A from additional Hand Weapon whilst mounted. Also, any scar vet that has Cold One, Light armour and shield has a 1+ save 5+ Scaly skin +1 for Light armour (4+ total) +1 for Shield (3+ total) + 2 For Cold One (1+ total) so magic weapon wouldn't affect that. Also, if your mounted you don't get the hand weapon shield bonus regardless...