Yahy! So, tell me your experiences on how you have used them effectively... I have a feeling that they'll just be a faster version of skink skirmishers with blocking and double fleeing with the added bonus of S4 flaming shooting. Can someone fill my limited experience with their experiences? Then i'll have UNlimited experience. Yes. Good.
You've pretty much nailed it. I've found them really effective in units of 2, because one unit is just too easy to be shot/taken out by magic. With two units I can often be fairly aggressive with their Vanguard, whereas with 1 I find I need to keep them back ready to jump into that ideal redirect position. Two also means that you can comfortably set up a nasty double-flee. So, like Skirmishers but faster, slightly bigger targets for the enemy, Vanguard. To date I haven't tried the Flaming Bolas, although I think they are definitely worthwhile, but where they really shine is the Drop Rocks ability. Having problems with Skirmishers dodging your javelins? Fast Cav that you can get into range? Want to clear enemy chaff before the battle lines clash? Fly over. Drop rocks. Profit. Sometimes its even worthwhile going bombs away on a unit of something tougher like Ogres, or even a Chariot, just to inflict one or two wounds or kill an Ogre.
Mmm sounds good. I'll be playing against skaven, so I expect to see the HPA. I'm hoping for a wound to knock off the regen. But will be 5's to wound with only 3 attacks. Just the chance is worth the fee points I think. Do you think that running a unit or 2 of terradons would mean that is need less Skink Skirmishers core, meaning saurus might be allowed into the list?
Terradons are IMO a unit that require some getting used to, but they're an awesome unit. They can be active in most phases of the game and in one way or another deal with most units. I like them because they're a fun unit. I just don't expect them to do well every time, but I usually have fun either way. Besides, they're a rather cheap unit.
That's usually how I look at it, yeah. Two units of Terradons means less Skinks needed so taking some Saurus isn't a total handicap. Okn the flip side, taking more Terradons means less to spend elsewnere, but they aren't too expensive.
Fly them out in front of things. Drop rocks on chaff. They exist to kill chaff and then roadblock to either get more shooting/magic or angle off an charge. Also they are fast cav so you can flee and reform flee and reform.
These guys did well! Better than any other unit on the table in fact. It was, however a frustrating game for everyone involved. Curse words were spoken, loudly and frequently. In any case, I played skaven, so there weren't any "chaff" units to drop rocks on, so they loosed the rock on the HPA and did nothing, oh well! The thing I like about them is that they're just like skirmishers, but faster and can move where ever they please. Their shooting is negligible because there's only 3 shots, but more of a bonus if they hit. They're a keeper
I think they're best used for harrassing. Their flying makes them super maneuverable, get them around the back of a unit of something, and they just sit there, plinking away at that unit. If the unit tries to turn to face, the lizardbirds are back behind them before they know it. Basically the opponent just has to ignore them unless he's got another shooting unit that can set its firing arc on them. As a VC player, playing against these tactics, most Dons were still alive on the board by the end of the game... until I started bringing Banshees... In my 1500pt list I can only fit three in the one unit but when I knock it up to 2k-2.5k I might have 2-3 units of them.