AoS First 1000 point list (Coalesced)

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by LizardsAreCold, May 13, 2020.

  1. LizardsAreCold
    Jungle Swarm

    LizardsAreCold New Member

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    This list is the first coalesced list I will be playing with the new battle tome.

    110 - Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One
    - General
    - Command Trait: Dominant Predator
    110 - Saurus Old-blood w/ Warblade
    - Artifact: Eviscerating Blade
    120 - Skink Starpriest
    - Spell: Celestial Harmony

    200 - 10 Saurus knights w/ Lances
    200 - 10 Saurus knights w/ Lances

    240 - 12 Salamander Hunting Pack

    Endless Spells
    20 - Bound Malevolent Maelstrom

    This list is supposed to be a more friendly list compared to some of the other lists I had in mind but I still wanted to make sure it still had a bite. I will be fighting my friend that is still relatively new to AoS and is currently playing Ogre Mawtribes so I wanted to play a list that could offer a challenge to him but still be in the same general direction of seraphon that I am interested. The main strategy will be to fully buff a unit of knights and then throw them into the biggest threat after softening it up with salamanders. The endless spell is only there because I had 20 points left over and it might be alright if I ever fight a wizard.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Welcome to Lustria.

    Looks like a good Saurus Knights list.
    LizardsAreCold likes this.
  3. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Love it. Looks like a nice tight list that has some good combat combined with good shooting from the salamanders.

    Let us know how it plays!
    LizardsAreCold and LizardWizard like this.
  4. LizardsAreCold
    Jungle Swarm

    LizardsAreCold New Member

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    Alright so game time happened yesterday and I can thankfully report a seraphon victory against the boorish Ogors, the great plan may continue to march ever onward. The battle plan was blood glory and I probably could have only won a minor victory for controlling more points but I ended up winning a major due my opponent conceding in the later end of the third round. Salamanders more than made their points back (no real surprise) most of which was actually in the combat phase. Coalesced made all the difference when it came to multi-damage attacks and boy did I not factor in how valuable the ability to do mortal wounds on 6's with the starpriest was going to be but Sotek be praised did he put in work. All in all very pleased with the results of this list's performance against the oppressive aggression of a typical ogor list!

    For the Glory of Sotek!!!

    Got one pic of the game from around turn two before the carnage started.

    Attached Files:

    karlsbc, Aginor and LizardWizard like this.

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