I've played about 2 dozen minor skirmishes so far of between 500 and 1000 points and this will be my first 2500 point game (gulp) my opponent plays ogres and I am at a total loss here. It would be much appreciated if someone could make me a list with way I already have, 68 Saurus, 8 chameleons, 10 skink skirmishers w/ blowpipes 10 w/ javelins, 2 Sally hunting packs don't own any extra snacks btw, 10 temple guard, 5 Saurus cav, a slann, a scar vet, engine of the gods steg, ancient steg w/ blowpipes and a skink priest on foot(you can only have 2 heroes at 2500 right?) I'd prefer to take the scar vet over the priest to make the TG rank better with the slann in this case I would love for someone to make me a list, my only request is to keep the list friendly but still winnable because he's a friend playing a friendly game and noone plays lizards aty store so I don't want the first impression to be a holeish, Ty for any input and could I also get some tips vs ogres, sorry for how long responses. Will probably be, but it must be done for I am the sole ambassador of lizardkind at my gaming store! Thanks lol
The amount of heroes you can take is capped at 25% of the total points, so 625 at 2500. No restrictrictions on how many you take. I assume that your Scar-Vet is on foot? I'm not entirely sure as to how "friendly" this is, but you have JUST about enough models to make a decent 2500 list. I would never feel safe bringing my Slann in a unit of 10 Temple Guard so I left those out, but here goes: Slann - BSB, Rumination, Cogitation, Higher State, Cupped Hands, Lore of Light Skink Priest LvL 1 /w Ancient Stegadon - EotG, Dispel Scroll Saurus Scar-Vet - LA, Shield, Sword of Striking, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone 30 Saurus - Std, Mu 30 Saurus - Std, Mu 10 Skink Skirmishers - Javelins, Shields 10 Skink Skirmishers - Blowpipes 5 Cold One Cavalry - Musician 6 Chameleon Skinks Salamander Salamander Ancient Stegadon 2496 The list is build around the 12" Bubble of effects from the EotG and Lore of Light. The saurus will be the main focus of the army and should grind up most enemies with Birona's Timewarp and/or Speed of Light.
sorry havent been on a while but 3 things, one, i got a 50$ gift card to gw so i think ill invest in more temple guard to up my bunker to 20 or so, two, i was thinking with lore of life (dont have book on me so i forget the name) wud it be a good use of power dice to double my eotg's movement and jump 24 inches into the thick of the enemies units for a burning allignment burst the next turn? like if i have my steg towards the flank and suddenly it jumps to where his units are thickest? lastly, how well would this list translate to tourneys? ty
Light is the lore that can double your movement rate with Birona's Timewarp, but it is capped at movement 10. On the taking this list to tourneys I wouldn't call it super competitive, the CoC and the Ancient Steg are probably elements I would not take. Should be reasonably strong though, the real weakness is the overall low strength when facing monsters, hard characters, heavy cav etc .. If you do buy more TG then Life is a great lore, but the list would need to be changed altogether. A 2500 Life list with the models you have could look like this: Slann - BSB, Mystery, Rumination, Dispel Scroll. Skink Priest /w Ancient Stegadon - Eotg, Dawnstone Scar-Vet - Ogre Blade, Dragonhelm, Light Armor, Shield 30 Saurus - Hand Weapons, Std, Mu 30 Saurus - Hand Weapons, Std, Mu 19 Temple Guard - Std, Mu, Flaming Banner Ancient Stegadon 6 Chamo Skinks 6 Chamo Skinks Salamander Salamander 2498 Would have to do a little converting on the skinks, otherwise you could always trade 6 Chamo's for 10 Skirmishers should you feel like it. The Stegadons come into their own much more in a Lore of Life list since you will be healing them constantly.
Would it be immoral use a cold one champ as a scarvet on cold one? Cuz I've heard he's quite good even by himself
Thats what I do myself, but I don't play in tourneys and such. Don't know what the consensus is. The Cold One Scar-Vet is an awesome addition, because it gives you a buffer between your blocks and potentially threatening enemy units, and allows you to control the battle. Alternatively you can sic him off at Hydras and such which he should have no problem taking out, saving you a world of breath weapon and thunderstomp pain. Having two Ancient Stegs gives you that ability aswell, so he may not be strictly necesarry in this particular list. You shouldn't diminish the strength of the Ogre Blade Scar-Vet in the Temple Guard either though. With flaming str 7 attacks and a 4+ regen save from earthblood, that unit destroy monsters and the like. What I do personally in my Life list is run a regular Steg, an EotG and a Cold One Scar-Vet. That gives you 3 buffers that help control the game very well, I've had nothing but succes with that list so far.
I recently got2 stegs at the same time and I've built the engine but not the other, should I make it a regular steg?
Honestly I think that the list I posted will be plenty competitive, but its up to you ofcourse. We're talking details and personal preferrence at this point.
No. Page 43 in the BRB states: Note that a model can never have a save (of any kind) better than a 1+ for any reason, and that, even then, a roll of 1 is always a failure. - Lord Cedric
Reason I'm asking is cuz Im making a 500 point tourney list, here it is. Block of 12 Saurus no command Block of 12 Saurus no command, both are 5 wide Salamander w/ snack Scar vet on cold one w/ dawn stone, LA, extra hand weapon, venom of the firefly frog, gleaming pendant Any thoughts?
Pretty sure that Scar-Vet is illegal, you can only have 125 points worth of heroes at 500 points. Two Saurus blocks at 500 might be interesting though I wouldn't do it myself, if you're facing Lvl 1 fire mages small skink/chameleon units might be in trouble.
Yeh they where running into problems with that the rules are hero up to150, 3 d3 powerdice( count as d6 for dispel) only up to 200 points of shooting, and unit size limits is half of Wat is in the book up to max that's in the book