Hi all. Just joined the forum. I've played warhammer for many years, but was getting tired of playing Ogres for the last few years, so traded for a lizardmen army. I'm a player of average skill, I run about 50% typically. I definitely spend more time painting and building than playing, so I'm looking for an army that can help me improve my skill level, and perform adequately at game nights, tournaments, etc. Here is what I am thinking, let me know if this is workable, or am I totally on the wrong track. Thanks for much for any help. LORDS Slaan, higher state, focus of mystery, BSB, +1 MR banner, cloak of feathers (Thus, this an ethereal flying Slaan, 4+ ward, 2+ ward vs spells) HEROES Skink, Lv1, Ancient Stegadon, Engine of the Gods, Dispel scroll Saurus Scar-Vet, Cold One, LA+S, Biting Blade, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone CORE 35 Saurus, full cmd 10 skink skirmishers 10 skink skirmishers 10 skink skirmishers 10 skink skirmishers SPECIAL Bastiladon 3 Terradons 3 Ripperdactyls RARE 2 Salamanders 2 Salamanders
The list overall is solid, but I think your slann could use a little work. You've got eleven spells total and while high magic is a good utility lore the ethereal slann is more of an in your face type better suited for death and it gets you more dice for your other spells. I'm not certain, but I thougt the cloak was a skink only item or that the slann was not able to take it or the carpet for some reason... But if you can and it's a solid idea; you really need to make your scarvet the BSB and keep him near your units since the slann will likely be out of range; it's also the only way to get your saurus a magic banner. The MR1 trinket is the same price as the banner on your slann and all of your eggs aren't in one basket. Best of luck sorry I couldn't be more definitive about the slann build.
Cloak of feather is skink on foot only. And the carpet is on foot only. Slann never count as being on foot. I think you should bring Harmonic Convergence and the channeling staff if you are going to bring the lore master. 11 spells is a lot. Maybe the Reservoir discipline that lets you keep an additional power die. The list looks pretty solid though.
in regards to your Slaan.... if the Cloak of Feathers were legal, your Ward Save against spells would only be 3+, not 2+ (as Magic Resistance is not cumulative). I would instead check out an Obsidian Amulet (MR 2) as it would give you a 2+ Ward Save against spells for fewer points than the Cloak. I also second the inclusion of Harmonic Convergence and a Channeling Staff. channeling three extra dice at 5+?? yes please.
I don't know if you play tournaments at all. But you will prob never be able to play 4 sallies. 1 unit of 2 is fine and after that you will be comp'd, hated quiet a lot. Use the points for a second unit of rippas, 1 unit is underwhelming, 2 can set you up (they don't care which toad is which as long as there is one) and I haven't tried 3 yet but I hear is fun times. I would keep the BSB on the slann as you will need the combat res. In fact war banner is great because if you get the charge you have charge, war banner, BSB. To their nothing. Awesome against lone models that don't have magic weapons. Ala steam tanks, monsters(you can't be stomped, even if they were magical stomps), redirecters, fast cav and redirectors. And even if they don't break, it locks them down forever. Also high magic doesn't benefit from your engine of the gods. It only works with the 8 BRB lores. No idea if you know or care about that but it's something to keep in mind. Slann BSB war banner, High state, Obsidian Trinket(MR1) Channel combo(It's just too good to not take) Priest scroll insert lore here (prob heavens) Scarvet CO LA Dragon Helm Dawnstone, GW is better everyday of the week, unless you know you are vsing alot of etheral, in that case take sword of striking, hitting on 2's, so 5 hits on average. 35 Saurus FC 4x 10x skirmishers Basti engine 3x Terradons 3x Rippas 3x Rippas 2x Sallies Ancient Steg w/ sharpened horns. Didn't know if you are 2400 or 2500. This list is 2350, so there's room for engine if you want it or if it's 2500 you have another unit to add. The fourth unit of skirms might just be better as a small unit of camos too, either way hope this helps