7th Ed. First Lizzies list, 1k points

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Tyrannis, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Tyrannis
    Jungle Swarm

    Tyrannis New Member

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    This is my first Lizzies list, which I figured I put here for some C&C.


    Saurus Scar-Veteran
    Army General
    Blessed Spawning of Itzl
    Blessed Spawning of Sotek
    Cold One
    Sword of Striking
    Light Armour
    167 points

    Skink Priest
    Level 2 Wizard
    Diadem of Power
    135 points


    12 Saurus Warriors
    Spawning Champion
    Standard Bearer
    174 points

    12 Saurus Warriors
    Spawning Champion
    Standard Bearer
    198 points

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    60 points

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    Javelins & Shields
    60 points


    5 Saurus Cavalry
    Spawning Champion
    205 points

    999 points total

    P.S. The Saurus Cavalry is only 5 strong because the Scar-Veteran will join that unit.
  2. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    Oke some random notes from soem randon geezer.....

    Why do i not see any Sallies?
    To quote myself on that one: "They ROCK!"

    To sum it up...
    I see a fast movin character (scar-vet), 2 fast moving unit of skinks, a fast moving unit of SCOR (not my prefered choice of Special but that's personal) and 2 "massive blocks" of slow SW....With one of them carrying spears (?).....
    Your SW cannot run with the flock.....and will be outmanouvered.
    Why do you let them carry spears?
    Oke, it wil give you a extra 5 attacks, but only to see you armour save drop by 2 (hw&shield combo and the shield itself) Thus seeing your characters drop even faster!

    Tou have 2 "oke" anvilunitss (your SW) and one "oke(?)" hammerunit....
    Maybe it's better as one bigger block (giving SCR) and with the extra points some other smal, but annoying, unit (Terradons, or something...)

    Good luck!
  3. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    Are not spears 1 hand weapons? I may be having a brain fart, which happens, often, but I thought you could use a spear and shield together, you just don't get +1AS for the handweapon/shield combo, but you still get the +1 as for the shield itself.
  4. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    I'm gonna have to agree with Pinkus on this one. Only one handed weapons I know of are the Great Weapon and the Halberd. You should only lose the +1 for the hand weapon here, not the +1 for the shield. If you lost both, there'd be absolutely no point in taking them to begin with.
  5. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    Well i have to agree with pinkus as well...... :meh:
    My bad!

    You do get the shield bonus!
  6. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    But back to the arguement. For a unit of 20 saurus you're spending like 40 points for spears. If they didn't have WS3 I'd say go for it. Say they give you 5 more attacks, WS3 probably means you'll hit on 2.5 of them and depending on their toughness you should be wounding with 1 of them. Leaving them at -1 AS. Not exactly what I'd call good point spendage. A "maybe" to wound once for 40 points while hurting your own defense? No thanks.
  7. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    amen to that!
  8. FACEY

    FACEY New Member

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    the list depends on what armies you will be playing. what armiesd will u play the most??
    ive just won a 1000pt game againt dark elves which my stegadon was a big help. however it was the primary target and took a lot of beatings. so like freakendell i reccomend sallies!! no matter what u play they help out loads
  9. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    I also agree that you should drop a saurus unit, to make room for something else, maybe Kroxigors could help too, but the salmanders do provide great range.
  10. Axolotl

    Axolotl New Member

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    I would not leave the jungle without a dispel scroll or two, but that is just my preference.

    scor are pretty expensive for a small size army like this, i usually don't use them under 2k points. i would use a few kroxigors instead. 3 or 4 should do.

    The saurus warriors... well take em if you like, but a unit size of 12 is really not that good. Better use 15+, they can use the rank bonus. i personally agree that the spears suck ^^

    i also never field unit champions. they are way too expensive, you can get another saurus for that. and if your opponent has a independent charakter charge your unit and challenge the champion he will most likely beat you up before you even have a chance to strike back. much better if he has to kill 5 regular saurus to avoid attacks, because that is not easily done.

    salamanders would be a good choice if you can get the points from somewhere. at least 2, better 3.

    and you might want to give your general the enchanted shield to turn him into an armor-monster ;)
    i don't remember the cost for the sword of striking, but sword of might + enchanted shield is always a cheap and very effective combo.

    if you insist on using cavalry or have no other models at hand i would drop the unit champion. and definitely give the unit the banner of huanchi, it makes the guys much more effective.
  11. Carlo Marx
    Cold One

    Carlo Marx New Member

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    I agree that the Cold Ones should be droped as should one unit of saurus. With them a unit of 12 is way too small, with 7th rank rules I never field 'em less than 20. As a general rule for every saurus unit I field 2 skinks and for troop thats all you need in a 1k.

    On the topic of spears; I love 'em. In a 2k one unit always has 'em, but only one. How can you go wrong with 16 str 4 attacks? Sure they lose a little armor but with tough 4 most basic troops are going to wound on a 5 anyway so on a bad day you might lose 1-2 guys....eh. They work wonders against fighting orcs (which is the only army I really fight). It's not easy breaking orcs on the charge and in extended combat those extra 5 attacks help to give you the edge. Another thing spears are good for is taking cav charges which will almost assuredly knock out your front line which means with out spears no attacks back. Spears are awesome but only one unit per 2,000 points should take 'em.

    As for champions; always take 'em in every unit. That extra attack is worth the points and what are you going to do with a lonely saurus in your back "rank?" If a player is stupid enough to have their character charge you and challenges then deny, theres no shame in running to the back so the rest of your boys can eat the character for lunch.

    Another thing about Cold Ones, their effective at 6 but not 5. That sixth guy allows 'em to take more casualties. and I never give 'em a champion, now he is way too spendy for just one extra attack. I usually just give that unit a musician and let 'em kill things.

    Your general is good. I personally like the Jag. charm more than putting him on a cold one. He's faster so can lend LD out to your skinks where ever they may need it but can still ride with your cav if you want him to, he doesn't have to test for stupidity so theres no chance of him failing a LD test at the wrong time. Oh, and the charms 8 pts cheaper too :D .

    Your priest is fine. Thats how I field mine in a 1k, or if I really want to go magic defense drop him down to a lvl 1 wiz and take another priest w/ a dispel scroll.

    Sallies are ok to take in a 1k, not necessary and if you do take 'em filed a unit of one or two.

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