Crap picture, but here's my first skink test model. Still thinking about what I want to do for the back plates...thoughts?
Love that, regarding the plates maybe start near the neck with dark red fading down to yellow near the tail.
Nice colour so far. For the scales I'd recommend a 2:1 mix of your base cost red to either ushapti bone or white and do point highlights of a stronger mix of bone/white
I love him! Great job. Honestly, I'd go in the reverse direction. I'd darken them up to near-black. Right now, he looks like he's a lava skink or something, so I'd play to that. Make the scales on his back look like the cooled portions of lava flow. You could probably find tons of good images to go by on google. Also, if you go that route, I'd change the color of his eyes to something polar opposite the "warm" look. Something like a cool blue. That'd really make them pop!
Thanks for the kind responses! I didn't get to do any hobby this weekend, so I haven't tried any of them yet. However I'm going to mess around with some of your ideas My eye was drawn to the "Split-Complementary Color Scheme" here. Looks like these colors would go well with black or white, and so I might try the scales in either a very dark, almost black purple first. Teeth and any claws will be bone/white. Shields will be green. However, I'm thinking that I might have to alter the color wheel slightly because I'm more interested in a camo/earthy type "natural" or "traditional lizard" type look for the dinos and want the scheme of the actual troops to contrast with that. So I might be going for more of a darker purple/red with orange only on the extreme highlights. I'm also going to be whipping up a more green and blue type lizzie to test how that looks as well.
Something like this could be so cool (pun intended)! Seriously, nature has most of the best color schemes already patterned.