Hi! I recently threw my love at the Carnosaur-models, and decided that I wanted to do a dual-carno list soon. With that in mind, I started brainstorming some ideas as to how I would like them to look. I decided on a few things: I would like a lord on a carno, with a very gory carno somehow. I would love to have bloody torsoes or just drooling blood from it's teeths, and maybe do something extra about it's basing (maybe some blood-ish footprints behind it or similar. My thoughts would be that the lord should have a great weapon, but I can't seem to find any great weapons among any Lizardmen bits, except for maybe Chakax and Kroxigors, so I'm kinda in a pickle as to what I should use. - What do you guys use as great weapons for your Old Bloods/Scar. Vets? - Do you have any experience on how to use bloody corpses/torsoes/body parts on models, and on how to make slimy drooling blood or similar? - I was told that Lizardmen don't use metal for their weapons etc., and I haven't read very much of the LM-fluff, so is that true? And what do they then use instead? Stone/bronze/jade-stuff?? My idea about the second carnosaur, is that it should be a Scar. Vet. BSB. I pictured something like the Carnosaur standing atop a steep hill, and with the BSB raising his standard above the rest of the army. Unfortunately, I find most of the banners of LM quite boring, so I was wondering a bit about their fluff here as well: - Does LM only use carved stone etc. for their banners? I would love to have something looking kinda like a waving cloth-banner in the wind, but does that fit the LM-fluff at all? Sorry for the long post. I'm totally inexperienced at "converting" models, I just felt so darn inspired about those Carnosaurs
I Know very little about the history and fluff of the LM but basing your carnos with corpses of skaven or dark elfs or chaos will fit as great wars have been fought with them. Drooling blood can be acheived my using modelling putty (green stuff) or you could shape plastic from your sprues and glue in place, look at models with the effect you want and try to replicate it.
Blood and gore: http://taleofpainters.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/tutorial-how-to-paint-realistic-blood.html I've seen players made banners for the Lizardmen before. If you look at our Cold One Cavalry models, one of the banners in there has things that look like cloth trailing behind it. So while it my not be common to see on our armies, I think it would fit in fluff wise just fine. (Note that this is not mine. Found it on Google.)
I found this video, that describes exactly what I want to do with the blood-effects in the Carnosaurs mouth .. Now I just need to find som carcasses/bodies/bodyparts/etc. to place around the model^^
I think that using other banners (regardless of fluff - IF LM only use stone banners) is perfectly fine. I wanted much of the same imagery that you described on my Empire Captain BSB, but all of the banners for the empire were rather static and didn't have that "in-the-midst-of-battle" look. I really liked the dynamics of my Orc and Goblin BSB banner, and I had an extra one in my bitz box, so I went with that instead. The problem I had with it was the human skull hanging on a chain on it. (I don't think too many humans would see inspiration in that.) So I very carefully went about removing it with my Dremel tool and sanding it smooth. I had to pin it to a lance and pin the lance tip to the top and then I had my dynamic banner! I drilled in some holes to add to that "war-torn" look. I hope that helps!
That looks neat! .. Was something similar I was thinking about with my LM BSB, but I'm still considering how to keep some key elements of the LM/Aztec-fluff on a waving cloth banner
Maybe something theamed arrownd the scaven pelt banner. It would give you some of the cloth banner aspect you want while remaining very acurate fluff wise I think somewhere in this forum someone posted a very good conversion of it. Also you can use this from the GW army book for inspiration