8th Ed. Fluff changing from book to book.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by VampTeddy, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    I find the Fluff in the books somewhat non coherent.

    There are cases where i find the lore behind LM doesn't match with previous books.

    everyone probably does.

    Albion hasn't been mentioned in 2 books, neither has the southlands really.

    and the dragon isles has been almost forgotten since 6th.

    is it always like this?
  2. Lizardmen_Jeff

    Lizardmen_Jeff New Member

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    I think GW basically reset the Fantasy timeline and is rewriting the history, I kinda liked the previous fluff but am interested to see where they go with it. In any case, it would be nice if they started advancing the timeline! Feels like the Fantasy world has been stuck on hold while 40k universe continues to advance through the ages
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    5th - 8th edition fluff has been reasonably consistant... :meh:
    before that though, it's really a mess. :jawdrop:
  4. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Well i have 6th - 7th - 8th, but i don't find it too coherent.

    Albion suddenly isn't mentioned, neither are the southlands.

    We can see that there are ley-lines headed there.

    Also there are temple cities being rebuilt in 7th, which aren't even mentioned in 8th.

    I hadn't realized that the timeline didn't move at all though, that explains a lot.
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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  6. Lizardmen_Jeff

    Lizardmen_Jeff New Member

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    It took me ages and a chuck of change...but i got one of those "Slave Slanns"! One of my favorit models but havn't assembled or painted it yet... waiting for the right moment to pull him out and add him to the army
  7. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Giant fluff holes from GW = plenty of space for creativity Muahhahahaha!

    The best fluff is your own fluff anyway -

    * campaign fluff is always interesting because there is a tension between the concept of "the invincible lizardmen" and their general's inability to roll sixes, except for leadership tests and 3 dice magic spam.

    * Army / model fluff "I want to do it THIS way and I've thought about why THIS is so" Which came first the Quango or the egg?

    * Having an open universe within which you can just write for the joy of writing about dinosaurs.

    * Filling in Warhammer Logic Holes. I refer you again to The world's most detailed explanation of why the pure Lizardmen would have a sorcerous pact with vampires Count Renliss' Journey to Lustria

    * Cos lizards are really easy to draw.
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    The best fluff is your own fluff anyway. Whatever I don't like about GW fluff I ignore or change. Thanks for the free advertising Bob.

    I brought back all the things I like from the earlier LM books. Minor Temple Cities and the Southlands. I added bickering between the Slann over interpretations of the great plan and I handwaved the official GW metaplot that Skinks and Saurus are basically robots following the Slann. Can't tell good stories that way.
  9. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    I intend to to at least try and prove you wrong there actually.

    Following GW's metaplot (more than you do anyways), having saurus be brute and simple minded, and skinks as i read them, inquisitive, curious and action packed in a fluff story written in whatever engrish i can muster.

    However i might be a too judgemental on GW here, but maybe it's just an advance in timeline i'm searching for :)
  10. kroxicool

    kroxicool New Member

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    lizardmen are my favorite army in warhammer ever mostly for the fluff. while the fluff has changed from book to book every so slightly, i think gw do a fine job of it.
    havent gotten a hold of book 8 though and its killing me! but the building blocks are there to make what you want out of it

    i like to view the slann as they are written in the book, almost god like and beyond approach where only a handful can be spoken to by them, all the while they remain practically motionless, making even their slightest glance or lifted finger UTTERLY terrifying!

    when it comes to the "free will" of the saurus and the skink i like to play around a bit.
    my vision of them is that the saurus each how their own personality and free will. they are free to do as they like to an extent however they all share an unshakable loyalty and confidence in the slann and the old ones and have done since the crawled out of the spawning pools. they may argue among themselves over leadership and the course of action they should take but when a word comes down from a slann through whatever channel. all doubts or arguments drop and they do their lords work.

    the skink i feel are much the same but have a lot less to worry about, being the artists and the doctors and the sculptors and the poets. combing the jungle for whatever they feel they need for their next project. a new potion ingredient, some more pet snakes to breed or some flowers for incs or perfume. they make up the bulk of the normal citizen of the temple cities. everyone's gotta have civilians right?

    they also appear to be the shortest living of the lizards suggesting there could be skinks going through their teens and been sports nuts and then older skinks taking care to show the new ones how its done. ect.

    all lizards share a bond with whoever they spawn along side. often forming a regiment or a pack for whatever purpose they were born to do, but its an incredibly lonely and isolated life for those spawned alone. while some are spawned to the rank of celebrity, signaling some great event in their time or to be a great warrior, some are just spat out and left to fend for themselves.

    i like to think that skink skirmishers are some of these guys. lonely skinks popping out of the spawn pools resenting the people around them who were born with a sense of family. eventually they find each other and feel there,s no room for them in the temple city, living in the jungles.


    i could go on and on about my fluff for each lizard but the point is i love thats theres room to do so :)

    just wish lizards got more love than they do

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