The title is pretty self-explanatory. Yet it requires explanation. .... Does that make any sense? Not that it really matters, but I'd like to ask the board something: Is there anybody interested in fluff? Stories etc. about Lizardmen. Because I seem to enjoy writing quite a bit, and I find it easier to write something when I have an 'assignment'; than coming up with something myself. I have the oppurtunity to be really active in here, and I like to make use of that. Be it in the tactics forum, or fluff (which is quite a different world ). There are some things I have already written in the fluff section of this forum, and if anybody likes it; sees improvement; has any form of C&C; has a request; I'm listening. Like I said, I (usually) have the time to be active around here. And I seem to enjoy it, as well as contributing here and there. Writing tactics I can come up with myself, and simply write whole books if need to. But fluff...heh, no. Not so much. Yet I like to give it a shot and see what people think of it. I'll stop rambling now, and I'm curious to here the response! The Hunted
I'm a big fan of fluff, I'll be starting my own things when I get some painting done. Pretty much set with playing a campaign vs my bro's DEs so expect some of that soon!
I definitely love your fluff writing capabilities!!! I read about the two saurus brothers and their campaign against the brets, and it was amazing!!! Now for my own fluffing skills, they aren't quite that good. I was wondering if you could write a lizardmen fluff about an army that guarded the coast. They even have ships, a small hidden harbor and might even trade across the world with others. I attempted, but mine wasn't very good. But give me a reply, cus that would be cool!
Well, I guess there's not much interest in fluff on this forum. That means I won't be spilling out more fluff than I am now. Just the usual. The Hunted