7th Ed. Frenzy and Huanchi's Blessed Totem

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Bibamus, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Bibamus

    Bibamus New Member

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    heres a question:
    i have a frenzied uni (COC's with a skink chief BSB + skavenpelt banner) that also have sed totem. they must declare a charge if they are within reach of the target, to know this you must mesure the distance before charging. all this we allready know, here comes the issue: the unit is 1-6" short of its target

    the addition of the totem to this rule can generate 3 different results:

    1. the unit can declare the use of the totem and after rolling the measurement is done again and the frenzy rule is rechecked with the new charge distance
    2. the unit is forced to declare the totem as it could possibly take them in charge reach
    3. the unit does not charge because the totem was not declared before the distance was measured, effectively making the totem unusable since it must be declared before charging and measuring but measuring is done before

    throw your best arguments and lets see what we get

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