having a 3000 point game this week, against warriors of chaos, I know hes bringing a Khorne lord on juggernaut and a Khorne lord on dragon, any suggestions on what to take to try and make this game a little less painful?
If you are bringing a Slann, definately pick the lore of Metal. Other wize I suspect a steg or a carnie might be a match for his lord. As usual there is allways the shoot it with poison until it dies aproach.
Baiting works well against Khorne. I would therefore recommend a couple of terradon units and skink skirmishers. The idea is to force him to declare a charge (frenzy) and flee as a reaction. Be careful to force him away from your main army, particularly try and take his line of sight away from main units. You can then either charge him yourself in subsequent turns, shoot him down with poison, or make him cry with lore of metal.
Khorne you said, bait them with their Frenzy you can make them move over the whole table =) Ok, in 2 steps: 1: Bait him with skink skirmishers. 2: Charge in his flank with something strong(Steggie's, Carnie). Sounds easy, but I guess he's not stupid he will use hounds to make sure he won't charge things he doesn't want to charge, and you have to face the rest of his army too, but the saurii and kroxi's can take care of the rest
For the dragon, use the poisoned giant bow on the steggie (large target +1 to hit). The poison, no armour save, and D3 wounds can be devastating. To make sure you hit, try to get the lore of the heavens spell that gives you shooting rerolls and hit your steg with it. Combine that with a Skinks Cheif with the Bane Head and you can take out twice as fast.
i'm curious. if you give the chief bane head. does the impact hits from the stegadon count towards the wounds? or is it only when the chief fights?
I am pretty sure Bane head will only double the wounds caused by the chief, not his mount or the other riders. So this wouldn't double the wounds from the bolt thrower. Also remember you cannot use the chiefs BS to shot the bolt thrower.
Sorry about that. For some reason I assumed it applied to the Giant Bow as well. Doh! I guess the Bane Head plus the 3x S5 shooty staff could be pretty devastating instead. For the bane head do you nominate the combined hero & mount or do you choose between them, so just choosing the dragon for example?
It says you can choose a hero, so this means that you only nominate a hero, it doesn't say nominate a mount or hero and mount