i'm watching the Warhammer twitch feed from the Las Vegas tournament and it seems like most armies ar horde style armies to fight the new books. When everyone is throwing mortal wounds they are resurrecting ghouls or dryads and just overwhelming with numbers. Has this been your experience as well? Is the game moving towards horde units the way fantasy did? In any case I feel like I should get my steg ancients with blowpipes ( flamethrower now I guess) painted up
It's kind of going that way for older armies, while the newer ones are still hero and specialty focused. The problem is the power creep, older armies have to find ways to stay competitive, and if the players are unwilling to expand to a greater faction such as order, chaos, destruction, or death, then they are reliant on target saturation or wound absorption.
It's the nature of matched play. Enough of the scenarios give an advantage to large numbers that you will see more of horde armies from non updated armies.
I would also guess that yeah, GW wants our money and will make rules to push that agenda. Kind of stating the obvious, but even with some of their recent "good" things (from a 40k perspective here), they seem like they just like mixing things up for mixing things up sake, aka you have to follow the new and shiny things to stay competitive.
I wouldn't say that. This is the cheapest it has ever been to get into fantasy and a broad range of lists are winning not just the latest tomes.