8th Ed. Getting into combat - charging

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by The Omen, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. The  Omen

    The Omen New Member

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    Has anyone come across this:

    Was playing against a dwarf player the other day and he attempted to do the following:

    He brought on some miners in his second turn and placed them on the table edge - as per the rules they couldn't charge as they count as if they had pursued an enemy off the board. However in his magic phase he attempted to use an anvil of doom ability to move the unit into combat.

    Now I was fairly sure that you could only get into combat now by declearing a charge in the combat phase - and any other attempt to "bump" into combat no longer worked. I looked through the rule book and on page 16 it states "If you want to attack an enemy you must charge him - you cannot simply move into close combat without having declared a charge"

    We thought about this for awhile and eventually just rolled a dice for it (I won actually and he didn't get into combat) but at the end of the game we were thinking about it and still couldn't decided how it should work.

    The unit wasn't "moving into close combat" they were being pushed by magic - and he sighted the fact that if you pursue into a new enemy then you are in combat with said enemy.

    However the unit also didn't "declare a charge" which it says is the only way to get into combat, again though we know that you can do that by pursueing into a new unit - however this is specifically mentiond in the pursuit rules but we couldn't find anything in the magic rules that say this is ok.

    So in the end we both decided to ask on the various message boards and see if anyone had any ideas on how this should work.

    Thanks in advance for any insight.
  2. walach

    walach New Member

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    i thought the anvil ability let you charge?
  3. Iggy Koopa
    Chameleon Skink

    Iggy Koopa New Member

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    Yea, I'm with you. I thought it let you charge into combat. Not sure exactly what it's called but I'm sure that's the ability...

  4. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Usually, in the rule book of said army, it will state whether a charge can take place outside of the charge declaration (think WAAAAGHHHH and goblins). On page 31 of the dwarven rule book, it states that a single, friendly Dwarf unit (but not a gyrocopter) may make a normal move (which can be a march or CHARGE) in the shooting phase.

    There you go.
  5. The  Omen

    The Omen New Member

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    Ah well, in that case it's his own fault for not reading the rule to me properly - if it says they can charge then obviously thats ok (as it's a charge move anyway)

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