Hey All So me and my friends are taking part in a 2v3. 3000 lizardmen & 3000 High Elves vs 2000 ogres & 2000 wood elves & 2000 dark elves me and the high elf player are trying to coordinate our armies to maximum efficiency. I have pretty much everything in the army but just dont know what way to go. oh there is no special chars allowed. standard game no storm of magic stuff. i have 40 saurus 40 temple guard 60 skinks 3 krox 3 terrqadon 6 sallys 4 razor 1 a steg 1 steg 16 knights a slann hero on carnosaur 2 skink heros 10 chameleons thoughts?
The 3 armies you are facing all have very good shooting ( the new ogre leadbelchers are nasty) and the potential for decent but vulnerable combat troops. The main advantages of lizzies and HE will be magic and combat. However, all HE are very expensive and their core choices are not very good at all while their elite choices can be quite good. Based on this, I would suggest using loads of skinks as a meat shield and advancing into contact. Closer in, the sallies can really lay a hurt on the elves with flame templates. Magic can be used to protect during the approach march and then buff your own units/hex enemy in combat. You will likely face double hydras so you will need a counter to this (old blood on cold one with 1+ re-roll, crown of command and decent weapon works well) while swordmasters with a flaming banner can take down a hydra in a single round. The new ogre cannon model can move and shoot so I might not even bother with steggies - just load up on cheaper troops. Between a big saurus block with the stubborn old blood and TG with a slaan, there will be two anvil units at LD9 with re-rolls. Put in horde formation, the two units can fill the entire middle of the board, allowing faster elves to move around the flanks. I am not sure if you are using the full allied rules but if you are, they will start in a desperate alliance, meaning they must split magic dice and cannot dispel spells cast at allied units while you will be fully able to pool your magic dice and dispel attempts. Lastly, trusted allies can have characters join each other's units so you could spread the TG 20 across with the SSC (the -1 or -2 to shooting banner) with a HE character with sacred incense (another -1 to hit) and hide other units behind them to give hard cover.
Dark elves are not limited to throwing 6 dice at a spell so if they have 12 in the pool, they can toss all 12 at a spell. They also have a innate spell that gives the caster (and only the caster) d3+1 PD. Again, this cannot take the entire pool over 12 dice at any given point but they could definitely end up generating more than 12 PD during a magic phase while using this.
As a Dark elf player, i usually keep the last 2 dice for Power of Darkness if needed, i throw 2 dice at it, it's cast on a 4+ i get and i get a minimum of 2 dice back. it's a spell like all other spells as in it can be dispelled and if i fail to cast, that caster is done for the rest of the phase.
If they're good at shooting like he says, I'd definitely take that 2+ ward save against shooting that the slann have access to.
That item is wasted on a slann in TG. Apart from the ogre cannon, there are no template weapons in the opposing armies and thus no real threat. Besides which, the slaan gets a look out sir roll followed by a 4+ ward. Far better off stealing 6s and perhaps taking the feedback scroll for when the DE player tosses a pile of dice at a spell.
okay so for 3000 points with high elf player your going to be the supportive offense. this reason is because he has better stats on white lions and such for combat. so i recommend going skins galore and making people charge your skinks so your team mate can then charge them in the next turn also with that many poison shots you'll pick apart units slowly but surely. so maximize your salamanders and your chameleon skinks. and make the rest skink skirmishers with a big block of temple guard with a slann mage-priest. deck him out to help shut down/destroy enemy's magic phase. Make 2 warrior blocks to support your team mate and there's your army. for magic go shadow or life or metal. metal allows you to get rid of armor saves and final transmutation crap to death. or life allows you to be a strong team player and dwellers the low strength stuff all day. shadow well its easily one of the best lore in game for combat and shooting army's pick life if heavy combat or shadow for heaving shooting or metal if you want to be different. salamanders are the best thing in the lizard men book so maximize those if you can. good luck
well i know the ogre player is taking a thundertusk not the cannon. amongst their team the wood elf player is the strongest of the 3. ive gone 1 and 2 with my lizzies against him and 8-0 when i played skaven (old school) vs his chaos