8th Ed. GRRRRR

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by skink82, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. skink82

    skink82 New Member

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    Dont you hate it when your playing a game and sombody else sticks there nose in that always think they no best? Well thats what happend to me in my last game in my club. My oponent used a spell that used the large blast template (A death spell, I dont recall the name of it) and it went over my slann and temple gaurd unit. He said the spell had no saves aloud but my arguement (not that we were arguing I just excepted it and moved on as its only a game) was that my temple gaurd would not just sit there doing nothing whilst there slann got sucked into a warp thingy majiggy and that he deserves a "look out sir save" he was persistant that this was not aloud as it said no saves of any kind. If hes right hes right but I ouwld like to see what other people have to say or think about it.

  2. Chaq Mundi

    Chaq Mundi New Member

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    Yes, you are allowed a Look Out Sir, since it's not technically a save. Remember, you are allowed a look out sir for any kind of template attack, spell or otherwise, unless it explicitly says you are not (and I don't think there is anything in the game that says that).
  3. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Chaq is correct. The "Look out, Sir!" not considered a 'save' it's a 'roll'. The spirit behind the rule is that a member of the unit, in this case a Temple Guard...how appropriate, jumps in the way of harm and take's the bullet, arrow, magical blast, etc.
  4. skink82

    skink82 New Member

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    Yeah I thought so. Cheers Guy ;)
  5. Maedhros

    Maedhros New Member

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    Yep, if there's a template involved our slann gets his much needed look out sir of 2+.

    One weird instance of this which isn't quite so clear cut though is the Skaven spell Cracks Call. It's written with the deep vaugery of most of the skaven codex and simply says extend a line from the caster 4d6" and anything touched by the line makes a init test or dies. The fun parts of this spell are that the word target is never used in it's description and that is never uses the words template, or "like a cannon" such as other line spells like penumbral pendulum do.

    Under cannons they talk about it granting look out sir as a "special kind of template" so in 8th they never say "line template" anywhere like they did in 7th.

    Thus I've seen skaven players argue that they can cast this spell while in close combat, that they can point it any direction they feel like and that no look out sir roll is allowed.

    While I don't agree with this (still holding dearly to my feeling that a line is a "special kind of template") it's a ruthless slann killer along with the other various make an initiative test or die instantly spells. Be ready for it when you face skaven.

    And for all the bitching about dwellers from bellow I think the initiative tests are nastier. Very few models have a lower than three str (skinks, zombies and teclis being the only ones I can think of right now) and even fewer of those have multiple wounds, while lots of things from various armies have a 1 or 2 init and a number also have multiple wounds. (dwarves, lizards, ogres and various monsters).
  6. walach

    walach New Member

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    initative tests are certainly harder for lizardmen, but on the whole, i think strength tests are just as bad. thinking here of all the I 4/5 people out there, skaven, daemons, WoC, all elves, i mean that's pretty much half the armies already! :p

    i really don't get why for any of these spells you die with no saves of any kind... at least give us a fighting chance with a ward save allowed, or maybe only causes 1/d3/d6 wounds or something...

    regarding cracks call, i think it would require a rather harsh interpretation of the rules to cast it into combat, iirc only hexes/augments and maybe vortexes can be bast into combat, surely cracks call is direct damage? however as for getting a look out sir? i think we're struggling thanks to the awful wording in the skaven book. wouldn't be that hard to FAQ surely. or has it been already?
  7. Droohoof

    Droohoof New Member

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    What makes me angry that spells with these no saves of any kind allowed negate magic resist. The whole point of magic resist is to make saves on spells

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