7th Ed. Halberd vs Great Weapon

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Flint13, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. Flint13

    Flint13 New Member

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    Ok, first off, let me say sorry in advance if I'm missing something obvious here. I was just re-reading a few things in the main rule book and happened across the weapon section. Admittedly, up until now I didn't know that models wielding great weapons while mounted only got a +1 to strength, while still using both hands and striking last. I'm curious over whether or not a halberd can be used by a mounted character. It seems like it would be the better choice hands down. It gives the +1 strength while still using both hands, but doesn't strike last. I bring this up to you guys b/c A.) Scar-vets and old bloods can take halberds and are commonly mounted, and B.) The way the halberd entry is listed in the MRB is kinda confusing. For most any other weapon like spears, great weapons, it has the use in parenthesis next to the discription for both mounted and unmounted, ie (infantry) and (mounted). The halberd entry just says "Halberd, uses both hands +1str." So can a mounted scarvet/oldblood take a halberd and use it more effectively than a greatsword? Anyone who could clear this up would have my gratitude.
  2. Caeldan

    Caeldan New Member

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    My interpretation is that if it doesn't seperate out a mounted vs infantry ruleset - then the rule applies regardless if you're mounted or infantry.
    It does not say that a mounted character can not take it either.

    So yes, for a mounted character a halberd would be preferred to a great weapon.
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah exactly. Most (if not all) of the other weapons actually have different rules for mounted or foot, but halberds do not. If your character is mounted, definitely do not bother with a great weapon and a halberd is a pretty good choice.
  4. Iggy Koopa
    Chameleon Skink

    Iggy Koopa New Member

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    True. I always run my OB and SV with halberds when mounted, and most of the time I have them on a Carny and Cold One... Can't use the shield with it but no biggie... determine which is best for you when the time comes. You always have a hand weapon and Strength 5 to fall back on... Hope that helps.

    Iggy Koopa
  5. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    I guess the one difference would be if the character loses its mount. The great weapon would then give you the usual +2 bonus. But on a cold one, which can't be killed.. yeah there is no reason at all. The point cost of the halberd vs. great weapon seems to reflect their maximum bonus.

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