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Hello, new WH player here.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by eppe, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. eppe

    eppe Member

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    I've been following Warhammer 40k/Fantasy for a few years now and have even bought a few 40k models in the past to paint. I haven't had anyone to really play with until recently so I've never invested in a full army. (I've always been scared to just try a pickup game at my local Gamesworkshop as a total noob).

    So after looking into all the lore and unit models of Fantasy Lizardmen are the only ones who really appeal to me. I'm probably going to have alot of dumb questions about basic rules but please bare with me, I want to learn.
  2. Cacatron
    Jungle Swarm

    Cacatron New Member

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    I have been playing lizards for a year or two so if you have any questions about getting started just ask me

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