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Hello :)

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Kondoe, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. Kondoe

    Kondoe New Member

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    Hey im new to the forum, not so new to warhammer. i started the hobby about 8 years ago with 40k space marines. i got my cousin hooked but he started fantasy with a high elf army, when i saw his army i was inspired to start 1, so i started collecting high elves untill 2005 when me and my family emigrated from the UK to Turkey. My dad flying to and from bringing all our stuff over and getting rid of what we didnt want. while i was at home in Turkey my dad went back and sold alot of stuff at bootsale including ALL of my models!! about £150 worth space marines and about £60 worth high elves all sold for about £40 coz my dad didnt know thier value. how wonderful...... so now im in turkey and its been about 3 years. so about 3 weeks ago i decided to start up again considering im starting from scratch again i had a look at the armies and had to choose the lizardmen, i just think they look so much better than the other armies :)

    Unfortunatly i cant get any models here in turkey so i have to wait for everything to be delivered. and ive bought almost everything from ebay :) and it will all arrive on tuesday. I cant wait :D

    I found this forum while trying to find ideas for colour schemes, i still havn't decided :D
  2. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Welcome to the forum Kondoe!

    Poor High Elves...Luckily you managed to find the real truth in the lizardmen. Not the fancy twisted High Elf truth (Elves only tell lies you know...). ;)

    Anyways, have fun on the forum and go read stuff :p

    The Hunted
  3. Kondoe

    Kondoe New Member

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    ill definetly be reading alot im gonna need alot of tips with painting my lizzies when i get themback when i was painting elves i was not very good :D had no inks no primer no blending just GW paint straight from the pot :D im going to put alot more effort into getting good results this time, and the pictures if seen ppl upload on this forum have realy inspired me to give it my all :)
  4. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ok, I do have some tips (not on painting though :p, I suck at that):
    (don't take this personally!)
    Try to use punctuation in your posts. Comma's, slashes, it doesn't really matter. But it makes your posts (anyone's really) just so much more easier to read.
    This is true for every forum, and every forum user. Although not everybody does this..:(
    Anyways, thanks for reading. And thanks in advance for trying!

    The Hunted
  5. Kondoe

    Kondoe New Member

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    I suppose that would be a good start :D i will try to remember this :) i'm a bit new to forums aswell. The only time i ever seem to need to write is when i send text mesages :)
  6. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Text messages aren't the literal wonders of the world...
    So yeah, give it a shot. And make the fellow board members happy :p

    Or else... :rage:

    No, really!

    The Hunted

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