AoS Help an old-one

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Phobos, Sep 27, 2023.

  1. Phobos

    Phobos Member

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    Good morning everyone.
    I need help creating a tournament list. Soon my lizards will have to take the field, but honestly, I don't know where to start. Since the release of the new tome, I've only played one game against Khorne with the coalesced, which I narrowly lost. I found the Slann crucial, the Carnosaur didn't do much more than die due to my unlucky rolls. The Astrolith Bearer is indispensable, the foot Saurus held up for a while but did little damage. The Bastiladon with the laser was decent but not enough on its own. The Skinks were little more than screens, and the Chameleons with bolas were good for compensating for the army's slowness.

    In short, I would like help with a list that doesn't necessarily guarantee an automatic win, but at least doesn't let everything die miserably and allows me to get past the second turn. Keep in mind that I'm terribly rusty (I don't even know if I'll have time to test the list).

    I have Kroak, Slann, Carnosaur, Troglodon, an Astrolith Bearer, Skinks on foot or seated in large quantities, 4 foot Saurus hero, and the Engine of the Gods( I know isnt a Hero enymore) at my disposal.
    As for the troops, I have an abundance of Skinks and Saurus (about 60 of each), 10 guards, 1 Bastiladon, 3 Ripperdactyls, 10 Chameleons with blowpipes, and 10 with bolas, 6 Terrawings, 15 unpainted Raptadons, and 5 Spawn of Chotec (actually the "old" Salamanders, I haven't been able to buy the new ones yet). What do you recommend?
  2. Doons

    Doons Member

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    one drop
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer
    Saurus Oldblood
    Slann Starmaster - General
    - Command Trait: Wrath of Aeons
    - Artefact: Throne of the Lost Gods
    - Spell: Telepathic Summon

    20 x Saurus Warriors - Spears
    20 x Saurus Warriors - Spears
    20 x Saurus Warriors - Spears
    5 x Saurus Guard
    10 x Hunters of Huanchi with Starstone Bolas (160)

    Quicksilver Swords (60
  3. Doons

    Doons Member

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    Is old Scarface part of the oppressors? stay the hell away from it, that big demons bad news.

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