Hello, so I just got home from my local gaming club and some tool tried telling me that our predatory fighter rule only works with our models in the front rank, is this bs true?? Please help!
Hope you've got some time to kill: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/advanced-rules-vs-basic-rules-predatory-fighter.14261/
Thanks but there's arguments for and against so which is it? I tabled this rules lawyering tool on his terms anyway but if just like to know for future
By the rule as written, the additional attacks granted by the rule only apply to models in the front rank. Please see the discussion that was referenced. If you want a flat answer, that's it. If you want to justify it differently and you and your opponent agree to such terms, then you are still playing correctly. GW has not released an FAQ for this item, and it's possible that it could be called either way. This is a Frequently Asked Question by many warhammer players.
He's absolutely right. You shouldn't call someone a rules lawyering tool because they play RAW. You come off sounding like a not very nice person to play with. Worst case scenario you should have diced it off with no argument needed. Calling your fellow player names over a rules dispute isn't the right thing to do and sets a bad example for the players around you. And it doesn't make you look very pleasant. Is that what you want?
Haha, this has been up before Bottom line is, there are arguments supporting both views, lots of people believe RAW is that supporting attacks benefit from PF, and lots of people believes it's front rank only. Both sides believe their take on it is the correct interpretation of the way the different rules combine,but neither can know for sure, since GW hasn't addressed the issue. I know tournaments that has used both interpretations. Basically, agree in your local group and ask the judge at the tournament before you hand in your list, if it would make any difference to how you construct your list.
I think it depends a lot on the club or group. Mine agreed that the rule as intended is likely meant to apply to all attacks so that is how we roll it, but I'd totally understand the opposite interpretation based on RAW.