Hey guys!! I need some advice over here!! I have been challenged to battle a Skaven Army and I don't know exactly how to build an eficient army. I have figured out some things like taking several Sallys, to manage the hordes, taking a death Slann to manage bigger threats like Abominatios, Stegadons for Terror and such. One thing I don't know how to deal with is the damn doomwheel!! those Zap rays are scarry and could easily obliterate my monsters, how would you deal with it?? And I was thinking in a Carno with bloodroar, try to scare the blocks and some low leadership units, I just have a question... If a unit runs due to the Bloodroar, the nearby units also chech with the bloodroar rule? (3 dice, removing the lowest) I Deeply apriciate your advice!! tnx a lot!!