AoS Help with magic list please?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Krissey, Oct 11, 2023.

  1. Krissey
    Cold One

    Krissey Active Member

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    My two armies I collect are Ironjawz and Slaves to Darkness. Slaves actually does have a few wizard options, like Chaos Sorcerer Lord, Bela’kor, CSL on Manticore, even Archaon, but overall spellcasting is limited to buffs for the most part and isn’t a huge part of their game plan. Ironjawz have 1 wizard (Weirdknob) and it basically is used for Hand of Gork if you even take it at all.

    So I would like to, if possible, run a kind of wizard list. I don’t know exactly what to do.

    If possible I’d like to somehow include Kroxigors and the chameleon skinks because I have a real life chameleon. If relying on summoning them is the better strategy I’m ok with that.

    I’d like to try a Fangs of Sotek list. Outside of wanting to use magic like Slanns and Kroak and kind of playing a glass cannon spellcaster build I’m not sure. I just know I kind of want the opposite of the almost exclusively melee Ironjawz and Slaves to Darkness who just get stuck in and slug it out, some shooting and playing keep away and being cagey and hard to charge and just kind of annoying and the opposite of my usual armies is what I’m looking for.

    Any suggestions or direction?
  2. Doons

    Doons Member

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    left details to you spells battalions and such,but i think its every thing you want heavy magic defended with guard, unit of krox to drop in some haunchi with enough ccp to be summoning more krox if you like. I'd probably take spell lore enhancement from battalion
    - Constellation: Dracothion's Tail
    Slann Starmaster
    - General
    - Command Trait: Lord of Celestial Resonance
    - Artefact: Spacefolder's Stave
    Slann Starmaster
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer
    Skink Starseer
    Skink Starseer
    5 x Saurus Guard
    5 x Saurus Guard
    5 x Saurus Guard
    6 x Kroxigor
    5 x Hunters of Huanchi with Starstone Bolas
    5 x Hunters of Huanchi with Starstone Bolas
    5 x Hunters of Huanchi with Starstone Bolas

    could drop two hunters to grab another leader and an endless spell perhaps terradon chief and give it arcane tome to drop those kroxi's somewhere deep. leaves 60 points for an endless spell.
    Krissey likes this.
  3. Krissey
    Cold One

    Krissey Active Member

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    I love it! Why not run Kroak, just curious.
  4. Doons

    Doons Member

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    you sure could. I like one slann to run total support mode drain magic, celestial equilibrium, mystical unforging and the other slann with aggressive spells tempest comet blizzard . i suck at rolling spells the boost is a must for me. drain magic and equilibrium are 6's so it helps at least for me. i try to never use primal dice except on blizzard and defence.

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