8th Ed. Help With Skink Skirmisher Tactics?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Orchid, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Orchid

    Orchid New Member

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    My apologies if something like this has been posted already. I'm new to Fantasy and was thinking of throwing some Skink Skirmishers into my Lizardmen army. With the release of the new army book, I was curious what the community recommends with regards to unit size and equipment, basically bringing back the blowpipes or javelins and shields debate. Also, I've done a little looking around, but I was wondering if someone could explain how exactly redirecting works with these guys nowadays. Any other tips, tricks and other stuff would also be great. Thanks! :)
  2. dokushin

    dokushin New Member

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    Let me give you some context for this. In the last edition, Javelins were 8" and didn't take range penalties, and taking them + shields on skirmishers cost 1 point per model. Now javelins are 12 inches and the swap is free, but you take range penalties again.

    What provides more wounds is situational.

    Your goal is to preserve the poison; that's why you bring the little guys. So we can assume that if you ever have to move and shoot at long range, then javelins are better, because you would be single-shotting with the blowpipes and hitting on 6s where you could have been hitting on 5s with the javs.

    In all other situations, for shooting, the blowpipes are typically better. Shots that hit on 6 will be better than half as many shots that hit on 5s because of poison (although against low-toughness models the gap is narrow), and at better to-hit values the blowpipe advantage grows. So strictly in terms of damage output the blowpipes are a solid choice.

    Eventually, however, your opponent is going to get sick of skinks, and they are going to start trying to kill them. Javelin skinks are much harder to kill, with a 5+ AS (compared to 6+ for the blowpipes) and a parry save in close combat. Javelins also have quick to fire, meaning you'll always get your stand and shoot reaction, doing even more wounds (although a multishot blowpipe stand and shoot is nice when you do get to use it).

    There isn't one that's definitely better. If you're relying on skinks for shooting and can commit to keeping them out of trouble, then the blowpipes are probably the way to go. If, on the other hand, you want them to mix it up a bit, get out in the way, sacrifice a unit to a charge, and so forth, the javelin/shields are more useful. It depends on how much you want the enemy to fight something besides the skinks while you set up your flankers and whatnot.
  3. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    When it comes to tactics for skirmishers and redirectors, you really can't do better then the High Elf Eagle Tactica. It's got plenty of fun tips and tricks, and if you can make use of them during your games then you'll generally do just fine.


    Hope it helps!
  4. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    I was just about to link that thread! It's really good, even if it does use Eagles the same basic principles apply. Scroll down to Tip #10.

    Additionally, there was a thread from a while back where I used a couple of my battle reports to demonstrate Skink redirecting in action. Link: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/skirmish-tactics.10441/
  5. Wizgamer
    Cold One

    Wizgamer New Member

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    Personally, I work it as.....

    Skink has BS 3. This means.....

    Blowpipe single shot, not moved, short range = 4+
    Blowpipe single shot, not moved, long range = 5+
    Blowpipe single shot, moved, short range = 5+
    Blowpipe single shot, moved, long range = 6+

    Blowpipe double shot, not moved, short range = 5+
    Blowpipe double shot, not moved, long range = 6+
    Blowpipe double shot, moved, short range = 6+
    Blowpipe double shot, moved, long range = 7+

    Javelin, not moved, short range = 4+
    Javelin, not moved, long range = 5+

    Quick to Fire means...

    Javelin, moved, short range = 4+
    Javelin, moved, long range = 5+

    ...so exactly the same for moving as not moving

    Add to the fact the Javelin ALWAYS allows stand and shoot due to Quick to Fire, plus you get the shield which bumps the AS to 5+ and grants a 6+ PS as well.

    NOTE: Remember that you need to add -1 if firing into Skirmishers as well
  6. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    "Blowpipe double shot, moved, long range = 7+"

    yea if this happens, opt for single shots instead,
    because 7+ shots are not poisioned (or worth it).
  7. Smexygor
    Chameleon Skink

    Smexygor New Member

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    I face skirmishers and long range penalties too often for blowpipes to work on anything but chameleons. Javelins work and can hold up other chaff with saves and stand and shoot now.
  8. Orchid

    Orchid New Member

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    Thanks a lot guys, very helpful! ^_^
  9. machi

    machi New Member

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    Very helpful. Thanks!

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