Has anyone else encountered these in games? I frequently find myself facing Blades of Khorne lists that almost always take Hexgorger Skulls. It's pretty frustrating to have a 40 point spell virtually shut down a 320 point toad for most of the game. I realize that a lot of it comes down to positioning, but typically Khorne is going to plop their alter down in the middle of the table and it seems like Kroak usually wants to be up the board with his friends. This makes it really easy to shut him down with the threat range of the skulls and how reliably they can be put into play. Any thoughts?
Kill the Slaughter Priest. Without the Priest it is much harder for your opponent to keep them on the table.
Well that's fair enough... But it seems like my opponent usually screens the priests pretty well to the point that whatever i send after them gets nuked with blood boil before it can get them.
if hex gorger skulls have a range, set up your kroak after the slaughter priest is on the board if you can, and as far from him, then snipe with comets. cant screen against those lol
I play against Khorne somewhat regularly, and these are very annoying if they get within range and you can't take out the priest. The fact that you can't dispel them and have to wait for a roll to see if they go away is really annoying. However, I usually play Thunder Lizards so I tend to have plenty of shooting to blast their priests away, but sometimes they just keep rolling 5's and 6's, lol!
You could deploy kroak far back and use a troglodon to cast through. Kroak is still the caster so the skulls will not effect him. He only measures range and visibilty from the trog.