Hey Guys, I recently came to find myself looking for some distraction from my studies and as I was figuring what to do I stumbled across the scraps of my Lizardmen, which I shamefully abandoned half a decade ago, as my friends all lost interest in the game. Now I am back to my prehistoric friends and ready for some painting...given I am not quite the artist I am myself suprised to say I am more of a collector and painter, then a player. But whatever I this site and because of those awesome Kroxes from woogity i couldn´t resist joining. Nevertheless i really liked reading a bit here and there and wanted to say hello Maybe if I am a little bit more comfortable with my work I will post some pictures as I am almost done with some Skinks, Chameleonskinks and a Carnosaur.
Hello! It is said the Old Ones celebrate when a lurker makes the jump to fully-fledged member Honestly, just go for it and set up a plog. We've got quite a number of talented and skilled individuals who are bursting with advice. We're even in the process of starting a painting competition if you need some motivation.