Phew.... I just had to hand in a plea to one of my teachers. I had it all finished, I was just waiting for somebody else to comment on it. Well, she commented on it, and I made some adjustments/improvements. Then, in my great stupidity: I overwrite some other document OVER my finished version of my plea... I only figured out that mistake when I was trying to send the darn thing. So, all stress levels went up. Overdrive started and I got back to repairing my mistake and try to make the deadline. Well, I didn't make the deadline. But I was only 20 minutes over. I'm still shaking from that... So, after this boring story: Have you ever done something similar? (that you want to share ) The Hunted
First research paper I did in college was a 15 pager in MLA style. I busted my hump for the thing, and was VERY careful with my citations (I'm very ANTI-plaguerism, as was this particular teacher). Then at the end I went to head my paper with my name, the prof's name, all that stuff, so I whipped out my Writer's Guide, flipped to MLA headings, and started to head my paper. I must have zoned out while typing because I put "Professor Tucker" (the example in the book) instead of "Professor Ahmad." *facepalm* Needless to say, I had to retake that English 101... --DF2K
To get my state arborist certification (a feather in my cap at work), I had to take a 4-5 hour test over tree physiology, diseases, and treatments, which has little to do with the actual grunt labor my day to day job involves. I had taken classes on some of it, but most of the information I wrote down I had gleaned out of reference books the night before. There was also a lengthy section on trimming, rigging, and removal, which I breezed through, trusting to everyday experience for the correct answers. When we got the results back, I had passed every section with flying colors, especially the entomology part that I completely fibbed my way through and scored a 93% on. Every section, that is, but "practical skills", which I failed utterly. I did eventually get my certificate, but only after horrific and seemingly endless mockery by my coworkers.