Its time that I contribute to this forum. Here are some pictures of the Saurus warriors I have done so far. Any suggestions? Of course they are not complete yet.
off to a good start. As for suggestions, are they supposed to be black with blue scales, or did you get carried away and do the do the scales first ? (happens to the best of us)
In fact I based them with Incubbi Darkness which is kind a dark green. Overall I think it is a little bit to dark so on I am thinking about what I could do with horn shields on their heads. Somehow I find to paint skinks easier. Poisonous dars heck yes! By the way I am also not sure which colour sheme I should use for the Macuahutls (Obsidian clubs) of the Saurus ^^
I thought about something more ivory like for contrast but I am not quite sure about that. What would be other options?
I think you need more of a contrast with the weapons. As of right now, it's hard to tell where the Saurus end and the weapon begins. I like the idea of an ivory or pearl weapon with bone teeth! That sounds really cool and would be a complete contrast to your dark scheme. (I've always imagined Lizardmen to be sitting on tons of gold and precious jewels so that would fit that image.) Looking forward to seeing how they develop!
I actually like the Carnosaur! He looks like he has fish scales! That's hard to do correctly. Great job! This is definitely a different paint scheme than what most people are used to seeing, so you'll have mixed reactions to it, but as for me, I like seeing something deviate from the norm as long as it's done well, which you are doing! Keep it up!
Great stuff! I can't give any advice since I'm new to painting but that Carnosaur looks pretty neat. Not your standard paint scheme which is really eye catching! Can't wait to see it tidied up
Hello, right now I am trying to get Kroq Gar even brighter , he an old oldblood so he is aready very bleached. And the Carnosaur needs still some mending but it is definitivly fieldable ^^
I like it but it looks really bright is it the flash from your camera/phone? If not the brightness is distracting from the detail for me.