How the last dinosaur survived extinction

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by samheim, Feb 3, 2020.

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  1. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    I admit i don't now anything or care about dinosaurs. But I know about lochness.

    Been into this stuff for a long time. When I went to lochness in real life, I got to speak with a Marine biologist who had worked on the lake most of his life. Said they definatly exist.

    However, he was explaining how lochness was unique, and weird creatures live there, that don't live anywhere else.

    At the time, pre internet, no one knew about a lot of stuff, nor could they find out easily.

    Anyway, lochness is a big super volcano, and the dinosaur was able to survive the ice age.

    I also stood on the jetty in the middle of the night in winter, I felt deep super natural presence. I am not religious (load of bullshit) but I believe in some kind of evil force that rules over the earth. They have a lot of satanic rituals next to lochness, I saw loads of symbols and dead rams heads everywhere.
    Warden likes this.
  2. Xuil
    Chameleon Skink

    Xuil Well-Known Member

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  3. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    ok so no loch ness is not over a volcano in fact the closest volcano to it is over 600 miles away. second loch nes is a national heritage site meaning it has police and ranger over site no chance of any un sanctioned gatherings. thirdly plesiosaur aren't dinosaurs
    and is generally discredited as a joke site
    It's a hoax - the professor cited does not appear to exist, and it just makes no sense from a geological point of view.
    Lizerd, Sudsinabucket, Xuil and 4 others like this.
  4. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    So this was 20 years ago I went there. The world was not like it is now, where you have cameras in the ass every time walk down the road.

    Yes recent discovery about the super volcano. The caldera is the Loch. And also glen coe is on the same fault line, and that is the site of an ancent super volcano erruption.

    Yes the most haunted/satanic house in the world is located on the cliffs of loch ness, own by self professed most wicked man to ever live, Alistair Crowley.

    The dinosaur in the loch is by no means the most amazing this about lochness.
  5. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    yes but i don't think you understand what haratage site means in Britain there is a guard post at loch ness you can be arrested for going out of bounds you couldn't have a unsolicited gathering there it's been that way since the late 80s if what you said hapend it would have been a national investigation.

    the article you posted is over a decade old so not recently and again the doctor sited doesn't exist the fault line mentioned has been dormant for 80 million years thats since before the dinosaurs went extinct

    are you talking about the boleskine house? you do know it was owned by George Raft and Jimmy Page for the last hundred years both of them being very public figurs no shenanigans going on there
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  6. PadawanNinja

    PadawanNinja Active Member

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    Ok, let’s say you’re right, it is a plesiosaur, a couple of simple questions:
    1) what does it eat? A creature that big needs to consume a lot of food. Given that the biodiversity of the Loch isn’t all that unusual, there should be a noticeable lack of fauna as it all gets eaten.
    2) how does it reproduce? To have a stable population requires a good amount of critters, where are they all? To say nothing of how multiple Nessies just multiplies the food requirements in 1) above.
    Lizerd, LizardWizard, Imrahil and 2 others like this.
  7. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    No the bio diversity in the loch is like no where else on earth. The marine biologist man was telling me, there were giant 8 foot long worms you don't see anywhere else.

    the loch is huge and extremely deep, and with pitch black waters.

    And he said, yes he did believe there was a stable population of them.

    He had radar on his boat, and had seen shapes far to large to be anything other then one of the beasts.

    It was over a very long time.

    I didn't actually see the monster myself when I went there. But if you have ever been fishing, like I did for a long time, you just get this sense for whats in the water.

    I felt something immense and powerful in the loch, when I was standing on that jetty at 2 am. Hard to explain the awesome power of the jet black waters.

    Not even like seeing the sea at night.
  8. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Yea sure. Maybe the guard post is there to help protect the people running the rituals? ever think of that? Rich powerful people are always into really dark stuff.

    Just the nature of how reality works. Also the loch is huge, surrounded by large hills. Its when I went up into the hills that I saw all the weird stuff, not the tourist areas.

    Also jimmy page didn't live in the house. He let a couple of people he knew live there, and they both went insane.
  9. Lustrian Giant
    Chameleon Skink

    Lustrian Giant Well-Known Member

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    While I would love to have hard proof of this to be real, i dont really think this is the correct place in forum, for this discussion.
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  10. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    no i didn't because thats insane why would you let in dozens of people into your secret just to keep away the odd hiker? the math doesn't add up they would be better off having no one stand guard. and you meen to tell me that a secret that the most powerful people in the world had was left on the ground for some random tuerest(namely you) to find it? ya no and i quote I saw loads of symbols and dead rams heads everywhere. this would not be a secret for long if this is what was left lying around

    i never said lived i said owned and there are no records of any caretakers going insane
  11. PadawanNinja

    PadawanNinja Active Member

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    Yes it has some unique creatures, but nothing unusual for the lochs is my point. It’s not over- or under- populated compared to the other lochs.

    No need to go into the geology of the area, which is fascinating in its own right. Still have to answer the 2 questions I posed, what does it eat and how many are there? And remember that #2 multiplies the food requirements on #1 and hand-waving them away doesn’t cut it. To keep a stable population requires around 4 dozen individuals. 48 orcas eat a lot of food, plesiosaurs are bigger still.
  12. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Its old hat, the whole point is that they do things like this, because public incredulity, makes it hard for heavily indoctrinated (10 + years school indoctrination + media brainwashing) to believe anything that doesn't conform to artificially media created reality.

    I moved on from AJ a long time ago, but it's a good movie showing how they do these kind of big ritual things in forests.

    Also why would they need to cover up what they were doing anyway? we are not living in the time of the inquisition. Someone would just walk past and either be to stupid to understand what they were doing, not care or think it was cool.

    It would only be 0.0001% of people that would know what they are doing and disprove.
  13. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    The loch is gigantic, there is no shortage of food for them to eat. It goes on for about 22 miles. And is 220 meters deep in places.

    Basically think of how much area a town takes up, a few miles, and has hundreds of thousands of people + their pets etc, that all need food.

    Lochness is probably similar size to new york, with a few basically large sea elephants swimming around. If they had to eat that much they would need to live on a larger planet like jupiter and have a lake the size of the atlantic to eat from.

    They don't eat that much. Probably no more then a couple of those big worms, and a few salmon a day. Probably go on a binge now and then, when they eat a few ducks etc.

    The theory is, the ice age came, but the loch was kept warm, it being the walls of a lava filled volcano.
  14. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    cameras where common in the year 2000 and camcorders almost as much not hard to take a photo

    your siting alex johns... this is in no way credible

    Scotland is 80% catholic not only would people know what this was but their would be public outcry and demands for sanctions
    Lizerd, LizardWizard and Imrahil like this.
  15. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    orcas need to eat 300 to 500 pounds of food a day and have a hunting range of 400 sq miles and pleasiosaurs are biger the loch is way to small to saport large aquatic life
    Lizerd, LizardWizard and Imrahil like this.
  16. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Yes on most things probably true. But that film he went with a BBC journalist. The place they go to exists.

    The thing is, even if they had one guard post. The loch is huge and goes on forever. Also people can camp anywhere in the hills, and light fires etc.

    So why would anyone notice what was going on.

    Also the whole camera thing, that didn't exists in those days. Men were not totally consumed with playing with the camera on their phone to post pictures of themselves on facebook for validation at that time.

    I know right, that sounds insane. In those days, men would laugh at other guys that took photos of themselves and call them something like a weirdo.

    Don't get me wrong, I understand how hard that is to understand for someone under 30.
  17. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    Yea well it's not an Orca.

    Also whales only eat for half of the year.

    The amount of food you said is nothing. You have to remember, when the dinosaur eats the big worm things, or fish, those fish re spawn else where.

    You have to understand, there are 7 billion people on earth. I don't even know this, but I am sure when you brake it down, that doesn't mean each person gets 5 miles of ocean.

    Also no one would eat, because all the killer whales need 5000 square miles of ocean to eat.

    Trust me, there are plenty of fish in lochness,
  18. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Because you said there where goat heads liying on the ground and if you saw it then thousands of people saw it. that's how much traffic happens at loch ness

    bud i had a disposable camera in 1996 4 years before you said this happened and loch ness it a tuerest attraction a place people go to take pictures and as you said this stuff was just lying on the ground for any one to see you can not clame that this wasent photographed by doesens if not hundreds of people 2800000 people whent to see loch ness in the year 2000.
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  19. PadawanNinja

    PadawanNinja Active Member

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    Yes a town takes up a set area and all the people need food. That food comes from an area many times larger than the area of said town. And that requires smaller towns to support the bigger ones.

    A few? To prevent inbreeding, which would eventually cause the species to go extinct, would require more than 4 dozen. And that drastically increases the amount of food needed. As you point out, a few salmon a day times 48 equals the lake depopulated of salmon in short order. Food source gone, animals die off, plesiosaurs die off.
  20. samheim

    samheim Well-Known Member

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    bud i had a disposable camera in 1996 4 years before you said this happened and loch ness it a tuerest attraction a place people go to take pictures and as you said this stuff was just lying on the ground for any one to see you can not clame that this wasent photographed bo doesens if not hundreds of people 2800000 people whent to see loch ness in the year 2000.[/QUOTE]

    No I went off season, in the winter, there were not that many people about. They might clean it up.

    But also people might think, "oh look, a dead goat, probably one of the foxes or wolf got it."

    People didn't even know about that stuff, in those days.
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