Hey everyone. Havent been playing lizardmen for very long. My friend has just asked me to fight his tomb kings but i have no clue on what they do and how they fair against lizardmen. What units should i look out for?
The main thing with Tomb Kings is to watch out for flank charges. Our skeleton units are weak as anything but they are incredible tarpits (unbreakable). The primary TK tactic is to tie you up to the front with a skellie block and then slam you in the flank with a chariot unit. The goal is to win combat and outnumber you. You will autobreak and have a 3D6" chariot unit running you down. Protect your flanks, ignore summoning spells and watch out for the Tomb King. He is a beast since he'll have either a Destroyer of Eternities or he'll be in an uber chariot with the Flail of Skulls. If you can kill the Hierophant his army will begin to crumble (usually quite badly). Find out before the game starts which model that is, and hunt them down. Edit: Oh and even with Cold Blooded, fear the Screaming Skull Catapult. Get your units far enough from the table edge that if you do panic, you don't run right off the battlefield.
Yeah the biggest aspects of the TK army are fear and magic. The fear is somewhat lessened by our cold blooded, which is great, but their magic is extreme. Not so powerful, but completely relentless. The heirophant is indeed the key; not only does he make the army crumble he is part of their crucial magic. Just remember for the TK it isn't the general so they can still use general's leadership for those crumble tests and often will survive not too badly. Focus on killing the priests, the saurus will have no trouble munching skeletons in combat but yes be careful of your flanks. You need to destroy the entire unit rather than breaking them. Ushabti are pretty powerful, chariot units are powerful but fragile, carrion are crazy with a potential 40" charge when boosted by magic. Be very careful of lone characters if they are buzzing around. Also the scorpions are quite nasty. Overall LM shouldn't have too much trouble with TK unless he is a really awesome general, they are an army that takes much skill to master.
WS 2 skeletons vs Saurus with Spears = fun. 25 (6x2+1)attacks needing 3+ 3+ and 5+ save, ouch. I agree with whats been said, when you decide to hit something, hit it HARD. Watch out for the free reform banner, it gives a unit practiaclly 360 LOS (reforms before declaring charges). This mean you can't avoid the unit carrying the banner, usually Tomb guards. Our heroes have the option of getting S7 which is a nightmare for chariots. A great weapon scar vet with jaguar charm can really wreck some havoc, or if you place it on the far end of a saurus block (will make a TK player think twice before flanking you with chariots as you have a good chance of doing up to 9 wounds by 1-shotting 3 chariot).