Hi guys, I just bought a few boxes of Saurus warriors, and before I put them together, whether to give them hand weapons or spears?. Just so you know my main opponent is O&G. Thanks, Sleepy
Depends how many boxes you bought but I'd give at least one unit spears, since you're going to need as many attacks as you can get against O&G. If you have an odd number of boxes, then make one more unit with hand weapons, if you have an even number, I'd do half and half. You can always proxy your Saurus if you want to.
i guess the question is, do you want 5 extra attacks or a 6+ ward save. against a weak foe, the extra attacks are always better, while against a strong foe the added defensive bonus may be more useful. however, no matter which enemy you're facing, the goal is to win combat... and to that end i think spears are more effective. i have 4 units of saurus in my army and 3 are equipped with spears, and 1 with hand weapons. in the future, any more saurus i get will also probably have spears.
I have to say, that the parry save helped me quite often. also, with bigger units, spears can get expensive.
Its the bigger units that you want the spears on though, as a larger unit is harder to get down to the 3rd (4th if in horde formation) rank. I always tend to have a unit of thirty with spears in a 6x5 or a 5x6 formation, if I run a second block it is generally 18 or 20 with hand weapons. If I end up playing smaller games I may ditch the spears to save points for more bodies.