I have been trying to take a good photo of my new painted Slann, but it kept coming out really blurry, granted I'm only using a mobile phone (but it's supposed to have a damn good camera). This lead me to think about people who wanted to get a more professional photo, I don't consider myself a particularly brilliant painter but every now and again I do something I'm very happy with. I don't plan on spending money on trying to get a good picture or anything, but during my Google searches, I found a post which you might all find very useful. http://www.beastsofwar.com/groups/photography/forum/topic/how-to-take-better-photos-of-miniatures/ My attempts of taking a picture of my slann will be posted shortly.
Your settings may be on the wrong timezone or not updated for daylight saving? Thanks for the link Avatar, it certainly is an art taking photos of models. I have found plenty of white light and a very plain background are the important things, the camera likes to focus on things behind it rather than the model itself...
if you are using a mobile phone, are you sure it has a macro (close up) function? i have a pretty cheap camera, but if i enable macro mode and use a tripod, and timer (do i dont touch the camera when the pic is taken) i can take pretty damn good pictures. your problem is probably either that you dont have macro mode enabled or that you are shaky on your hand when taking the picture. if possible try and rest the phone on something when you take the pic. ps. also try and use a flat background, like a sheet of paper. makes for much better looking pictures overall.
Yeah, originally my phone wasn't on Macro mode, but it still was rubbish. It turns out I wasn't supposed to get so close to the mode l but instead stand back and use the zoom. Made a huge Difference.