So... I'm not a good user of Scar-Veterans and Oldbloods, even though I know they are very nice on the field, especially Scar-Vet since their so cheap for what you get. The only characters I usually run are a single Slann and one or two Skink Priests, usually one, and I get really fustrated since I just simply don't know how to fit a Scar-Vet in my lists and how to kit them effectively! I was wondering how you kit them and use them? Do you prefer to kit them full or keep them as cheap as possible?
The simplest kit for a Scar Vet is a Cold One, Armor of Destiny, and a Great Weapon. Pretty straightforward! Here's a relevant link for ya: Nice thread (and not just the OP, but the entire thread). And... And... There's no 'right' answer. It all depends on what you want them to kill. Monsters? High strength attacks. Challengers? Make him tough to hit, throw in an OTS if you're ballsy. Blocks? Stubborn's good for all of the above, but necessary here. All of the kits will be pretty similar, either way. As a general rule, it's nice to take more than one. Make them tough as nails, and throw in a halberd or great weapon! Done! What are you thinking of giving yours?
Whoa, awesome topics you linked, thanks! I quess I'll find them very helpful when trying to find the right build for my lists!
Absolutely agree that it depends on what you intend to use the oldblood/ scar-vet for. One kit that worked for me was an oldblood on CO with Piranha Blade, Glittering Scales and Dawnstone. He took out a Chaos Lord and it's Manticore in two combat turns.